Monday, March 16, 2009

Found out red handed

Last weekend I went to a girls night in with some friends from church, it is nice to get together and chat and catch up. The evening was nice and we decided to get some takeaway food, so I suggested my favourite takeaway and we chatted as we waited for the food. The door bell rang and my friend opened the door and as she was looking for the right change I offered to help and suddenly the delivery guy said: “you do not live here, you live at ....(and he told us my full address), you are the quite one who always asks not to ring the bell) :) Now, I was in a real dilemma, shall I congratulate him on his very good memory and excellent observation or shall I die in shame. Not only does he recognised me, he also remember where I lived and that I always ask them not to ring the bell (who wants to wake up the kids). All I can think about was how it is a small world and my friends were impresed although it doesn't reflect well on my cooking that I am so well known to my local takeaway !

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