Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Predicament of Courting (Part 2) - 问世间情为何物,只教生死相许?

From http://zhenduowenxue.googlepages.com/3.jpg/3-full.jpg

东 张 西 望
"to look about furtively; to peer in all directions
Dōng zhāng sī wàng

From http://www.dlog.cn/uploads/diary/200704/02102421245.jpg (Condor Heroes)

情 为 何 物 ?"Love is meant for who?"
Qíng weì hé wù

From http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

From http://jk172.k12.sd.us/060501_tiger.jpg

The following poem is retrieve from

Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008

From http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2008/05/27/nf080527013.jpg

问 世 间 情 为 何 物, 只 教 生 死 相 许 ?
Wèn shì jiān qíng wèi hé wù, zhǐ jiāo shēng sǐ xiāng xǔ

From http://cwc168.com/jj/uploads/article/image/butterfly.jpg

问 世 间 情 为 何 物, 只 教 生 死 相 许 ? "Ask the world Love is meant for who, when it is only concern about life and death?"
Wèn shì jiān qíng wèi hé wù, zhǐ jiāo shēng sǐ xiāng xǔ

From http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

天 南 地 北 双 飞 客, 老 翅 几 回 寒 暑。"A pair of "Love birds" living so far apart, with only old wings to weather the merciless hotness and coldness."
Tiān nán dì běi shuāng fēi kè, lǎo chì jǐ huí hán shǔ 。

From http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

欢 乐 趣, 离 别 苦, 就 中 更 有 痴 儿 女。"The joy when together is delighting, but the parting is bitter, and yet there are even more hopelessly lovelorn people."
Huān lè qù, lí bié kǔ,jiù zhōng gèng yǒu chī ér nǚ

From http://pimg.qihoo.com/qhimg/jingyan/541_406/10/02/11/1002114q1182a6.369f0b.jpg

君 应 有 语,渺 万 里 层 云, 千 山 暮 雪 ,只 影 向 谁 去 ?"The gentleman may have something to say, but the voice is so small, across the large span and vast layer of cloud, along with thousands of mountain covered with snow in the sunset, which way shall the “Shadow” (voice) go?"
Jūn yīng yǒu yǔ ,miǎo wàn lǐ céng yún, qiān shān mù xuě,zhǐ yǐng Xiàng shéi (shuí) qù?

From http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

横 汾 路, 寂 寞 当 年 箫 鼓, 荒 烟 依 旧 平 楚。"The long, harsh and rough “Fen” road, with the loneliness of the early years’ bellow music from the bamboo flute and drum, and the wild desolate smoke is still filled full with the same suffering and distress."
Héng fén lù,jì mò dāng nián xiāo gǔ,huāng yī jiù ping chǔ。

From http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

招 魂 楚 些 何 嗟 及, 山 鬼 暗 谛 风 雨。"Summon the spirit of the dead to clear the regretful moments, mountain devils and dark side of trials and hardships."
Zhāo hún chǔ xiē hé jiē jí,shān guǐ àn dì fēng yǔ。

From http://xa.photo.store.qq.com/rurl2=6f4459675f21561e61f68d73a1bd1379d479462e7259c945b1145eaa4
318d8caf25543f6e80f215f760 (Fairy Carton)

天 也 妒, 未 信 与, 莺 儿 燕 儿 俱 黄 土。"Heaven is jealous too, with such unbelievable phenomenon that even causes the entire warblers and swallows to be reduced to powder (loess)."
Tiān yě dù,wèi xìn yǔ,yīng ér yān r jù huáng tǔ。

From http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

千 秋 万 古, 为 留 待 骚 人,"Requires forever, throughout the ages (for a thousand autumns), in order to wait for the poet, writer,"
Qiān qiū wàn gǔ, wèi liú dài sāo rén,

From http://xz6.2000y.net/admin/uploadfile/20043812371982608.jpg

狂 歌 痛 饮, 来 访 雁 丘 处。"Sing with wild joy and drink to one's heart content, during visiting the wild goose's grave."
Kuáng gē tòng yǐn,lái fǎng yàn qiū chù。

From http://blog.chinaacc.com/UserUpLoad/6/fangdijiayuan/Photo/2007224242201.jpg (Fairy Carton)

Retrieve from http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

From http://my.popiano.org/attachments/2007/02/190058_200702281509211.gif

Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

From http://121.img.pp.sohu.com/images/blog/2008/3/17/18/19/1195a8a06f4.jpg

Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008

From http://www.yini.org/girl/0/b06.jpg
情 为 何 物 ?- I don't know !

李 翊 君 - 苦 海 女 神 龍

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6CQOzqN8ZI&eurl=http://molly-lifeisuncertain.blogspot.com/&feature=player_embedded
苦 海 女 神 龍 黃 俊 雄 李 翊 君 台 語
Taiwanese karaoke Lee Yik Kwan

http://www.dlog.cn/uploads/diary/200704/02102421245.jpg (Condor Heroes)
http://blog.chinaacc.com/UserUpLoad/6/fangdijiayuan/Photo/2007224242201.jpg (Fairy Carton)

318d8caf25543f6e80f215f760 (Fairy Carton)


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