Sunday, March 13, 2011

3/13/2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolución!

3/13/2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolución!
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Monday, March 14, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
@papakelt Good Night Brother ~He who is to give light must endure the flame!
Angels whisper in my ear they bid me say goodnight but I'll return when morning breaks to share more love and light. @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Aphrodite44 Time to crawl into my corner of the cosmos and drift on into dreamland.
@Aphrodite44 Many figure since it is this way it will always be this way, but these are times of great transitions.
@Aphrodite44 We are mainly limited by our comprehension of the past and calculated conditioned perception of the present.
@Aphrodite44 If we have a future this civilization will be seen as barbaric, primitive and upside down ~advanced insanity.
@emoodz Mohammed AlMaskati by Peta_de_Aztlan
A solution of Sodium Chloride at the hands of a protester in case of attacks with CS Gas.. #bahrain
@Aphrodite44 So I do not want to romanticize Spartans. We can develop a new humane compassionate culture now.
@Aphrodite44 Anything to give you new synapses sweetness. Dug Spartans since I was a child. A warrior's culture but cruel.
@Aphrodite44 How many couples have half of the couple as a trophy? How can we be a whole being, yet have a better half?
@Aphrodite44 We here in USA are conditioned into consumer-consumption culture ~comparing our objects with others ~envy
@Aphrodite44 Suspect I was a Spartan in a past life. Live simply, minimum of furniture.
@Aphrodite44 Yes, Spartans were no joke. To my understanding it was strictly a war-culture.
VIDEO: Just sharin' 10-15-2010=Brother Manny on J Street:
Chinese Community ~Manhattan’s Chinatown ~Devastated After Bus Crash:
@ishtarmuz @gracealera I love you all. Maybe someday we will meet in the flesh ~eye to eye. We meet via Twitter now!
Greetings to all Our Newcomers ~Let us share our truth ~our hopes ~our dreams. Do not be afraid of opening up! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Just came back from CASA 12-Steps Meeting. My good Brother Manny is going to spend the night here.
Time to cut out for CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Sally's Shelter. Raining, but I won't melt or get diluted. Later gator!
RT @starZship: RT @Komanapalli Celebrate any victory, no matter how small, and do it on a daily basis. ~Yes, morale is key!
RT @Starseed52: President Obama’s Predicament #POTUS #Obama #truthout
@MommaSatyagraha I still believe in voting, using campaigns for political education and am an independent voter.
@MommaSatyagraha We should analyze an issue from as many angles and perspectives as possible for better clarity.
GOP spending plan would cost 700,000 jobs, new report says:
We need to abandon bi-polar disordered thinking that divides the political spectrum in terms of Left-Wing and Right-Wing.
@YouGottaVote Keep mind that many Americans are already addicted to drugs, oil, entertainment ~foreign wars are no big deal.
#Japan Earthquake: State Of Emergency Declared At Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant:
@ariannahuff Arianna Huffington by Peta_de_Aztlan
Fired for telling the truth. Is this what Obama campaigned on?
#FASCISM Term fascismo derived from Italian word fascio, which means "bundle" or group, and from Latin word fasces.
#Amerikan Fascism knows the principles of cognition, mass perception, mass attention and promotes forms of addiction.
#Fascism seeks to distract mass consciousness ~keep activists yelling for relevant reforms, not fundamental real change.
#Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including political system and economy.
RT @AJEnglish: Libya Live Blog - March 14 | Al Jazeera Blogs via @ajenglish
Remember! What did you not say that you should of said? What did you not do that you know you should of done?
Take the time NOW to show your love, to express yourself, to be 'for real', to make amends where needed in your life..
#JAPAN #Earthquake and #Tsunami is great reminder of how fragile, fleeting and vulnerable all our lives are in reality.
#Fascism: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ~Are we there?
#Wisconsin Republicans Move State Toward Fascism ~SF Chronicle:
A Nation Stripped Bare: Fascism Has Come to America by Chris Floyd ~Bradley Manning:
#FASCISM Germans piece together millions of lives spied on by Stasi ~East German secret police:
#JAPAN Videos/Text: Hard-hit town recalls tsunami: 'I couldn't watch anymore' From Paula Hancocks CNN:
#JAPAN Radiation Rises Amid Battle to Stop Meltdown:
#LIBYA How far – and how fast – will Qaddafi's forces push into Libya's 'liberated' east?
#LIBYA What do we do about Gaddafi? Let Arabs take him out:
@mzsafiya True leaders will be of the people in a #revolution ~not the mis-leaders and opportunists often seen.
Check out @emoodz Mohammed AlMaskati ~Manama, Bahrain ~ ~News Link >
#BAHRAIN Antigovernment Protesters Seal Off Bahrain’s Financial Center:
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks: Kenyan police accused of assassinating two human rights lawyers
RT @wikileaks: Interview with man who claims he informed on Bradley Manning: A. Lamo
#Bahrain Police Fail to Disperse Crowds ~firing tear gas and rubber bullets
RT @Refugees: Our "UNHCR" list was mysteriously deleted. Apologies, please feel free to re-subscribe here:
16 miles away, Saudi Arabia’s watchful eye looms over Bahrain unrest:
@Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub by Peta_de_Aztlan
We will not surrender. We win, or we die. #Libya #Feb17
@CSMnational CSMonitor Politics by Peta_de_Aztlan
Bradley Manning comment costs State Department spokesman his job
Hacker: Snitch Adrian Lamo ~Why I turned FBI informer - Americas - Al Jazeera English:
VIDEO 1:28 #Tsunami Hits Japan!! New Live Footage !! 3-13-2011: #HelpJapan
Opinion: Utah's new immigration outlook - Alfonso Aguilar - #LATISM
@silviosirias Silvio Sirias by Peta_de_Aztlan
Interesting take on Utah's #immigration policy. A blueprint? - "Utah's new immigration outlook" - #latism
RT @ArabicDemocrati: A simple tweet can get the world's attention: please tweet for humanity | #prayforlibya #prayforjapan #Libya #Japan
@INTLRevolver In connected reality the #USA is a mature domestic fascism that is shrewd, sophisticated and mass media-savvy.
RT @GaryLoper: How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them ~Benjamin Franklin
@Ghonim Physical exercise is part of being fit to help others. #Jan25 #TooCorneyToBeTweetedButStill
@Aphrodite44 Just make sure you leave food out for the cat.
@Aphrodite44 Yeah, thought about that. Following your crazy self again. It you don't Tweet in a couple of hours figure you croaked!
#Sacramento-area churches find rewards–and glitches–in homeless shelter program:
RT @AymanM: Speaking on Monday at 06GMT at the 6th Annual Al Jazeera Forum about media and revolutions. Tun… (cont)
@starZship Well we don't want those alien synapses to get tangled up by our primitive computer systems. ;->~~
@Aphrodite44 Go for it and think of your Mom.
US drone attack kills six suspected militants in Pakistan:
#AFGHAN Bombs cleared from 'ghost town'
@Aphrodite44 If they are not moving they are edible ~smell ~nibble ~taste
#AFGHAN ISAF Joint Command evening operational update:
Etisalat, the UAE's largest telecom operator, plans to invest $100 million in Afghanistan:
@starZship Man, give an alien a computer on the Internet doing Twitter. Go figure? Did you come Operating Instructions?
3/13/2011 Nuclear Meltdown In Japan By Stephen Lendman:
"Our world faces a crisis as yet unperceived by those possessing the power to make great decisions for good and evil." ~Einstein 1946
3/13/2011 Fukushima Neclear Accident: Sobering Reflections By S.G.Vombatkere:
3/13/2011 The Tragedy Of Fukushima Is A Tragedy For All Mankind By Peter Chamberlin:
@YouGottaVote P.J. Crowley can face himself in the mirror without feeling like a hypocrite. He spoke truth with compassion.
@xenijardin Fascists do not like their evilness exposed by truth from one of their own. #Crowley #SaveBradley
@savebradley Report: U.S. State Department spokesman Crowley resigns after Manning comments:
@BE_PURE i can just look out my top floor window here and see homeless traversing on tracks below me.
@BE_PURE Suffering has a common quality that has the potential to unite all who suffer together. Keep a good heart.
@BE_PURE Yes, there are zillions of human tragedies on a global scale. Remember when we triumph too!
@BE_PURE Imagine Liberation Fighters in deserts of Libya who can feel they have been abandoned by the world.
RT @hrw: AUDIO DISPATCH: Police Push Back Protesters in #Bahrain
@BE_PURE We must remain dedicated to resistance to evil ~despite the ups and downs in our personal lives.
#Bethlehem Challenging Empire: God, Faithfulness and Resistance:
#Muslim News: Palestine: Israeli forces abduct 20 Palestinians for interrogation:
#PALESTINE Palestinians honor Fatah terrorist, despite Israel's protests:
In Libya, underground jail a daunting reminder of Moammar Gaddafi's grip:
#YEMEN Yemeni clashes turn deadly ~least two killed ~hundreds injured:
#YEMEN 100 protesters injured in demonstrations ~one died:
#YEMEN US 'deeply concerned' over Yemen violence:
Wadah Khanfar on Ali Hassan al-Jaber: "He was one of those people who lived and eventually died in the pursuit of truth."
#LIBYA Al-Jazeera cameraman was 'lured into trap and killed by Gaddafi supporters' ~
#LIBYA Gaddafi's forces claim gains in eastern Libya:
#LIBYA Arab League approves no-fly zone in Libya. But is it too late?
A thing is not necessarily true because badly uttered, nor false because spoken magnificently. ~Saint Augustine VIA @philoquotes
@ElBaradei #EGYPT is still the epicenter for the hopes of millions for democratic peaceful revolutions worldwide.
#EGYPT Natural gas from Egypt to Israel to resume Monday:
RT @UN: Human rights offfice sounds alarm on issues in #Bahrain, #Yemen & #SaudiArabia #UN
@StoryTeller_Al Fascinating how fantasy of fiction often foresees future realities. Blessings! @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Radio_Lady @StoryTeller_AL Once we reach a higher degree of awareness we need to be active in helping others, no excuses.
#Egypt's military begins rebuilding burned Coptic church:
Clinton urges reform in post-revolt Egypt, Tunisia:
#EGYPT New foreign minister Nabil El-Arabi reshapes Egyptian foreign policy:
#EGYPT "When the door for presidential nominations opens, I intend to nominate myself." ~Mohamed ElBaradei @ElBaradei
#EGYPT @ElBaradei Would ElBaradei make a good president for Egypt?
@silviosirias Internet Power can help turn the tide in order to bring us all closer together as one family of humanity.
@OrganizationA2Z Good organization is great. We also need to understand why we organize ~have goals with vision.
@SCTNow StopChildTrafficking by Peta_de_Aztlan
TODAY's #Trafficking Awareness day Churches & Houses of Worship everywhere PLAY this vid> @Not_For_Sale
@TraffickingEnd I am against human trafficking. Humane beings should keep track of the welfare of others.
@silviosirias Gracias for connecting. Let us use social media tools to spread awareness and raise consciousness. #LATISM
Let us pray we can meet our survival needs today: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education.
Let us pray that we have the strength of character to carry on in our lives and stick to our humane principles.
Let us pray for all liberation fighters who struggle on for justice against all odds when we're not trending news.
Let us pray that we are humble ~learn the lessons of life that each day brings to us. Life goes on within and without you.
Let us pray that we appreciate our blessings today. What we take for granted could be great luxuries for others.
@Radio_Lady Imagine that Divine Spirits are well aware of our collective situation. Plead humanity stop its self-destructive ways.
Imagine more people will be doing penance today at a lot of Catholic Churches ~concern over our mortality #Japan #Tsunami
@acarvin Watching CNN Reliable Sources right now here in California. Will look for @ombudsman on it.
8:00 AM ~PST ~Another day on Mother Earth. Slept well. Refreshed and ready to get rolling. Pray you all we well today.
<+>Sunday, March 13, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 3/12/2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution: #Tweets
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

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