3/12/2011 Saturday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
<+>Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family<+>Pray for the Safety of All Our Family Upon Mother Earth! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
9:59 PM ~Well I hardly gone anything done in my DOING today, but I did pretty good in my BEING.
VIDEO Inside U.S. GPS Military Installation w/ Dr. Brian Cox: http://youtu.be/-Wtdx0GixFs
@PushUpTokyo Thank you for caring and sharing. We are indeed all of the family of humanity. 月Twitter登録。気軽にフォローしてください。
RT @PushUpTokyo: At this point no official announcement in terms of how much radio beam is leaking out from either Gov. or TEPCO. Need such.
No matter how much some people may turn you off because of their ignorance, intelligence says they are still your family!
Make sure to tell your loved ones that you love them. Some people actually like hearing the words, "I love you!"
Ironic: Mankind has become so so advanced that our own man made great inventions may end up destroying us all.
#Japan quake efforts a race against time: http://lat.ms/g6gfX3
#Japan quake efforts a race against time ~official quoted ~meltdown may have occurred in least one reactor at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
#Japan disaster may mean setback for U.S. nuclear industry: http://wapo.st/f7prM7
U.S. backs Arab states' call for Libya no-fly zone: http://bit.ly/epyc8x
#LIBYA Saturday, March 12, 2011; 11:38 PM Gaddafi forces push deeper into rebel-held territory: http://wapo.st/hh6CPl
Revelation 8:11 the name of the star is Wormwood. ~Wormwood is a bitter substance.
@Freelancer4Hire Easy does not mean you know it. It means it is easy to execute once you come into knowledge and have been taught.
#Chernobyl Ukrainian word for mugwort or wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris), which is чорнобиль "chornobyl" ~See Revelation 8:11
See Revelation 8:11 name of star is Wormwood. A third of waters turned bitter, and many people died from waters that had become bitter.
@ergeekgoddess People are sometimes gradually, sometimes quickly, seeing insightful interconnections. #LATISM
On theory that solar activity can lead to earthquakes ~guy correctly predicted Japan quake: http://bit.ly/dNMLKf
#Chernobyl City named after Ukrainian word for mugwort or wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris), which is чорнобиль "chornobyl".
Sí @pattiny1: #LATISM por vida! @ilyquintero @silviosirias @silviosirias @ergeekgoddess @lissetteestrada http://twitpic.com/49095u
@ILYQuintero #LATISM for LATinos In Social Media is a #Hashtag I use selectively to good effect. http://twitpic.com/49095u
@Rotivation Our minds guided by our spirits are also battlefields where new creative consciousness is clarified, not mystified.
Gracias Revolucion! RT @ILYQuintero: @silviosirias @silviosirias @ergeekgoddess @LissetteEstrada @pattiny1 @Alltop_Latism Familia de #LATISM
Wanted: Officers to Retake Mexico: http://nyti.ms/hj2T3u
Searing Indictment of American Government in Mexico's Drug Cartel Wars http://www.salem-news.com/articles/march122011/mexico-us-tk.php
Remember: Pancho Villa and his men were only incident of direct military attack on U.S. Soil from Mexico. http://bit.ly/ht1Hgj
@ASacred_Monster Forever is a long time you know. Believe it is stored elsewhere than the Internet. Spirits can be eternal.
HISTORY Of THE COLUMBUS RAID ~Pancho Villa's Raid: http://bit.ly/ht1Hgj
@ASacred_Monster There is so much significant history that has been lost over the last 100 years. Internet helps record now.
Recall: Oct-05-2010 #Mexico Denies US Special Forces Presence South of the Border: http://bit.ly/cmYVTU
@ASacred_Monster A true love story. My Grandma had about 15 children. So I come from a big tribe! Many scattered out.
US Teaching "Counterinsurgency" Courses To Mexican Military in Drug War 2/12/2011: http://bit.ly/hPhRJN
@ASacred_Monster My maternal grandparents got fed up with the Mexican Revolution ~migrated north from Mexico to California.
@ASacred_Monster Wow! Maybe that is part of the Spiritual Connection I have with you! Both our Grandmas in Villa's Army!
Recall: Sep-26-2010 US Special Forces are Operating in Mexico: http://bit.ly/b66zkM #LATISM
My Maternal Grandmother Lupe Perez Fernandez was battlefield nurse in 1st Red Cross in Zacotecas, Mexico for Villa #LATISM
My MATERNAL Grandfather Rafael (Ralph) Perez was miner who became soldier for Pancho Villa. http://bit.ly/fFCya8 #LATISM
@Zeyadsalem Don't worry. Heaven don't want us and hell's afraid we'll take over! Earthlings are a durable species.
@LilacGirl2 Linger not in sadness. Those Liberation Fighters who have fallen have risen up in heavenly places. Believe it!
Columbus, New Mexico Police Chief, Mayor, 'village trustee' and 8 others charged with crimes related to firearms trafficking to Mexico.
@LilacGirl2 Love you. As a RECOVERED DOPE FIEND I pay attention to such matters ~see global connections (Afghan poppies).
Research Link: The Punitive Expedition (1916-1917) http://bit.ly/hRCmUQ
August 2009 ~mobile training team with Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), ~special forces tactics, trained Mexican Army and Navy.
@LilacGirl2 Besides, U.S. citizens are the Biggest Consumers of ALL DRUGS in the world ~Legal, Semi-Legal or Illegal.
@LilacGirl2 If I am making millions from 'fighting drug wars' then I do NOT WANT TO WIN THE DRUG WAR!
@LilacGirl2 Gracias! I have been aware of these issues for several years now. Money made coming and going ~Legal or Illegal.
Wake Up! Fighting the Drug War is BIG MONEY! http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/156002.pdf
@Rotivation I appreciate your taking the time to wish my people Peace and Prayers. We know we are all one big Family.
#READ Mar-12-2011 Searing Indictment of American Government Officials in Mexico's Drug Cartel Wars: http://bit.ly/fFCya8
@LilacGirl2 We really need to legalize drugs ~do damage assessment ~focus on drug education and progressive recovery.
@LilacGirl2 Suspect officials on both sides of the border are in cahoots together. Tend to be cynical in sense of questioning motives.
@Rotivation I guess my Spring Break to Juarez is out. Don't even want to go Tijuana. Got family in Mexicali.
@chicanopolitics Dope and guns ~dynamic duo for criminal cartels and government backpockets. Wake up America!
Searing Indictment of American Government Officials in Mexico's Drug Cartel Wars: http://bit.ly/fFCya8
Mexico Drug War a Lost Cause as Presently Fought http://huff.to/ha7L8h via @huffingtonpost
#Mexico Drug War a Lost Cause as Presently Fought: http://huff.to/ifUrSP
#Mexico, U.S. anti-drugs co-op will not improve unless U.S. adopts arms ban: http://bit.ly/fgNR1G
#MEXICO Are Lax U.S. Gun Laws Fueling Mexico’s Drug Violence? http://bit.ly/ePgLLi ~Psst... got dope?
#MEXICO Obama, Calderon trucking deal poses no limits on Mexicans: http://exm.nr/fZxRZM
#MEXICO Analysis: Mexico drug war startles some tourists, not investors: http://reut.rs/e98vke
More than 34,000 lives have been claimed by violence since Mexico began to crack down on organized crime in December 2006.
Security fears grow as Mexico prepares to host Pan Ams Games in Oct: http://bit.ly/fmdl1m
#Immigration: Controversial Texas Government Website Will Stay Up, Amid Objections: http://fxn.ws/grp3jM
#MEXICO Holy mackerel! Plenty of fish in Acapulco seas ~strange: http://bit.ly/f6J6r0
#MEXICO U.S. Embassy issues "Gunwalking" statement ~Gunrunning scandal uncovered at ATF: http://bit.ly/fMqf1I
Northern Arizona University Prof. safe in Mexico after a kidnapping, according to FBI: http://bit.ly/fyCDTR
#MEXICO Cartel greets new Juarez police chief with threat ~man found tortured but alive: http://bit.ly/f1QPvD
Undeterred spring breakers head to Mexico: http://on.msnbc.com/eL6sGQ ~Do youth get rush off danger?
@erikawas Pretty heavy to me. An inch would of been significant but 8 feet! ~shift in Earth axis! #Japan
@gracealera Sometimes my catnaps are really times when I am awake ~defrag my mind ~clear out thoughts ~meditate on life.
@gracealera I worry too much. Just bringing something to your awareness. I sleep like a log within minutes at night ~catnaps too..
#Mexico reacts to ‘Fast and Furious' to US-DOJ Operation: http://bit.ly/icQ3wm
#Mexico outlines details of cross-border trucking pact with USA: http://bit.ly/hvSdfz
@gracealera Will pray you reach an equilibrium ~balance and inner contentment for you. ~Love @Peta_de_Aztlan
Ten Cuban prisoners--including doctor nominated for Nobel Peace Prize--will be released from prison: http://bit.ly/idrHkz
@nationalmecha Nice if MECHA had few words with Links to encourage people to click them. @Peta_de_Aztlan Ol' MEChA Member~Sacra
@iRevolt We must utilize all appropriate tactics, all methods and all trajectories, not tie our own hands.
anyone making pro-nuclear power comments after japan disaster should be kicked in the ass until they shut up.
lie of the day: "'meltdown' would not necessarily lead to a release into the environment.'": http://tinyurl.com/457254h
#Japan Earthquake moved Japan coast 8 feet closer to USA, shifted Earth's axis: http://bit.ly/efqmbG
RT @mathaba2: The Mathaba News Real is out! http://bit.ly/dzSZQp ▸ Top stories today via @ninja_mega_zx @foreclosuredata @peta_de_aztlan
5:44 PM ~Just came back from trip on K St. Mall ~sat by Capitol and read for awhile. http://twitpic.com/48ydvc
@Obadiah6610 Guns are big business. Ask Obama! Lots of gun runners both side of US-Mexican border.
#ABORTION New fronts open in abortion wars: http://wapo.st/gpMRqw ~More reactionary attacks!
U.S. mayor, police chief charged with smuggling guns to Mexico ~Columbus, New Mexico: http://wapo.st/eNImpq
RT @progBuzz: Susan Sarandon Speaks to Young People At Madison #WIunion #WIrecall http://bit.ly/h4l1uj
#WISCONSIN VIDEO-TEXT Thousands rally in Wisconsin: http://usat.ly/eVdYul
Certain events happen for reasons we cannot fully know. They catch our attention. Bring other events into the foreground.
#Japan Well hell, we know the Japanese people are strong and stick together, esp. after U.S. Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
RT @LAmerican: #Guatemala's Archbishop Speaks on Family Planning, Violence Against Women http://is.gd/UcS4fE
#Japan: See U.S. Map of Power Nuclear Reactor Sites: http://1.usa.gov/4Z89Y ~Feel safer now?!?
@danielgotskillz I am working on trying to heal my own spirit ~help others as I can who are receptive to change, growth.
@danielgotskillz Better make my Bio look more like a stud on steroids then! @Peta_de_Aztlan
3:17 PM ~Just woke up from Sabbath afternoon catnap. Watching CNN ~Possible meltdown in Japanese nuclear reaction. Great!
@danielgotskillz Chuckled. You mean people actually lie about their life? It takes time to get to know someone. #aftertwitter #stopitslime
Saluting @AJEnglish & @AJArabic murdered photographer Ali Hassan Al-Jaber. Tears from Wadah Khanfar. http://bit.ly/gkNzZE #Libya
Sting - Whenever I Say Your Name ft. Mary J. Blige - HELP-Portal: http://bit.ly/gg9pcN via @addthis
Ali Hassan Al Jabir is the name of Al Jazeera Arabic cameraman who was killed in ambush in #Benghazi #Libya #Feb17
If you DEMAND that #Russia and #China vote to support the Arab League No-Fly Zone Plan for #Libya at the @UN, RETWEET THIS! @NATO @PJCrowley
Confirmed:People who ambushed Aljazeera reporter in Benghazi are remnants of Gaddafi Revolutionary Guard who were given orders from #Tripoli
The Liberation Movement is a part of my life, not all of my life. I try to stay away from all forms of obsession or addiction.
@uruknet I crossed that line of no return decades ago. First got involved when I was sweet sixteen ~now 59-Earth years!
@uruknet Many people who were former radicals-socialists etc. turned back along the way. Did not have the heart.
@uruknet We need to stay in the present time. Many former radicals have been co-opted by corporate capitalism. Ghadaffy is a demon!
#Lesbians' house burnt down in #hatecrime. Sign petition to demand insurance pay ... http://bit.ly/i4iQzs #lgbt #women h/t @LGBTSpace
RT @JuanSaaa: Coming Out Undocumented: @JuanSaaa 's Story http://bit.ly/f4vNqG #immyouth #dreamact #college #immigration #latinos #latism
Come Check Out Open CASA 12-Steps Meeting Every Sunday @7 PM ~Salvation Army Emergency Shelter~1200 North B Street~Sacramento, CA
From the sandstorms of Arabia the winds of revolution are blowing around Mother Earth urging our efforts towards global liberation.
Reuters story on AlJaz cameraman killed in Libya. RT @claudiacisneros: link here http://huff.to/gayIwW
AlmanaraMedia deepest condolences to the martyrdom of AlJazeera cameraman Ali Hassan Al Jaber,who was assassinated near the city of Benghazi
VIDEO~1:00~ Cornel West calls on you to Celebrate Revolution and the Vision of a New World, April 11 2011: http://bit.ly/ifAGWE RT
#HELP RT @BJTuininga: #FF SuperTweets @Mercypolitics @SYNDeeMurphy @CyG_society @blueberry_alice @HolandaPe4x4 @pshayden @Laura_Molina
@MMFlint Wrong Mr. Michael Moore. We always have the right to armed self-defense, even if it includes violence. @Peta_de_Aztlan
11 AM ~Time to shower up, get ready to go to store for frijoles, carne y tortillas! Priorities! Priorities!
Remember: Daylight savings time: clocks should 'spring ahead' ~replace batteries: http://bit.ly/fEfpQ4
@unido1931 Most people do not have a clue about what fascism really is with Nazi comic book notions. Don't get me started!
@unido1931 We must break the mental hold. We in USA are existing under a mature, scientific and sophisticated brand of fascism.
10:55 AM Glancing at headlines on Google News. Yep, I am still on the same screwed up planet. Same shit, different day.
#Fascism @unido1931 Many local police operate like a foreign occupying army, esp. inner cities: barrios & ghettos. Be armed!
#LATISM LAPD limits impounding of unlicensed drivers' cars ~criticized by immigration advocacy groups: http://lat.ms/eBnRi8
World sends relief teams to Japan: Natural disaster prompts offers of search and rescue help from 50 nations, wi... http://aje.me/eGzrTW
For all the latest on #Libya and the Arab League decision follow our live blog: http://aje.me/i8CSLF
The Arab League says the #Libyan regime 'has lost legitimacy through its crimes'.http://aje.me/haw4hG
#Yen recovering from earlier tumble following #quake, #tsunami in Japan. Keep up to date with #AlJazeera's liveblog: http://aje.me/id1i6I
More than 300 homes destroyed in Peru after #tsunami waves hit. Details at #AlJazeera: http://aje.me/ieKoCt
If you can, go out onto the streets and walk in the sunshine of your life. Walk in love and harmony with a silent prayer.
For all our wars, all our killings, all our weapons, we still have not found world peace. We are now an endangered species.
Get a gun if you have the need, but do not confuse it with the truth. A weapon is a tool but truth is our greatest weapon.
You came into this world with nothing in your hands and changes are you will exit empty handed. Stop clinging. Let go of illusions.
You have to work for your own wisdom. If you are given freely then you must give freely. Stop the need for possessing.
Be humble in learning. You do not know it all. In fact, you are totally ignorant of all that you do not really know.
Stop thinking in absolutes about everything. Be mindful and stop using words and phrases that always use absolutes.
The work of wisdom involves being open to the divine spirit that can dwell within you if you are open to receive it.
To believe is to be in love with life, to believe in life and to hold fast to beliefs you know to be true. Believe in you.
Believe in yourself. You don't have to have anyone else in the world believe in you. Believe in your life, do not live a lie.
Listen to your own thoughts, hear your own words. Do you truly believe what you say? Will you fight for your beliefs?
Do you. If you must judge in all your glory, judge yourself and pray you find your own self innocent of wrongdoing!
Have the confidence of capacity to know you can change, help change others for the better, but focus on you changing.
Be a leader ~lead your own life. Follow no other mortal. Follow your heart. Have faith in yourself. Love you. Be love.
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2011 ~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily ~as shared by Peter S. Lopez on Twitter: http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
If you do nothing else today, take the time to love and be open to being loved. And that is a good day. ~Che Peta
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. ~Gibran http://leb.net/~mira/
Love with all your being. Love each time as if it is the first time, as if you have found the great secret of life.
The problem with many lovers is they do not really know how to love. Love with all your being with wild abandon.
@jefferrrson http://twitpic.com/48e39x - I wonder how far down this crack goes? Do you avoid cracks? Crack?
We should fall in love every day, make love in different ways and do so over and over. Be a lover, not a hater.
Be open to love in your life. Do not be afraid of love, even if you got burned before. Love and honor yourself first.
We are here to learn ~share what little we know ~help one another and create as much love in life as we can.
I want to thanks all for any RTs. I myself do not need a Thanks so don't bother. Use time wisely. Feed hungry children.
Between here and death, take the time to sit still quietly and read a good book. Be not a bother to anyone. Do you!
Learn to let go ~go with the flow without fear ~be guided by a good spirit ~cease any constant worry ~just be aware!
"When rich people fight wars with one another, poor people are the ones to die." ~Sartre
"An idea, to be suggestive, must come to the individual with the force of revelation." ~William James
Youth is often wasted on the young. Act your age. Mature as a humane being with meaningfulness. Be you in your being.
Know that you are a unique creature of the Great Creator. Honor your own precious uniqueness. You are needed to help us all.
Remember, you do not always have to be right, get the last word and cannot know everything you need to know now.
Be attracted to beauty, welcome wisdom in your life. What you seek could be hidden within you now. Don't forget to remember.
Learn to accept what portion of your truth comes on you screen. Think for yourself. Train the brain. Practice mindfulness.
Do not be like the little puppy chasing his tail. You are not a puppy. Stop going in circles going no where. Power in stillness.
#HELP Do a Daily Personal Inventory. Take stock of your situation, your assets and liabilities. What needs to change in your life?
5 myths about Gaddafi -- #3: Foreign mercenaries keep him in power. http://wapo.st/hIhCY3 #Libya
I have always advocated that brands have a place at the table but this year at #sxsw it's sensory overload at every turn
You are a being, not a doing. Strive to be an honest humane being, Heal your soul of its wounds. Let go of resentments.
Take the time to compose your soul. Look around you where you are now in your beingness. Where does creative change begin?
We are so smart we cannot even feed all our hungry children or provide shelter for homeless refugees.
Many Internet users have the attention span of a gnat. Fluttering about going nowhere ~detached from connected reality.
Social media helps to shape our worldview. Let us be also be aware of what is going on within our innervisions.
#HELP Let us pray that we concentrate on the coordination of communication to foster love, tolerance and understanding.
#HELP One of our primary duties should be to help all people become literate ~able to read and write. Solutions are simple.
Today on the #LATISM Blog: Diabetes, The Silent Latino Killer by @kikisbetes http://tinyurl.com/4hpr87k #latism
2/25/2011 What Egypt’s revolution tells us about the nature of social media: http://bit.ly/eDfbzA
A revolution without dancing, singing, praying and revolving is a revolution not worth having. @Peta_de_Aztlan
For many men, the acquisition of wealth does not end their troubles, it only changes them. ~ Seneca http://bit.ly/philq
IAEA update on Japan Earthquake http://bit.ly/ieJ6Qf
#MSF teams reach #Japan quake zone; so far medical needs being met, but ppl need food, water, blankets. http://bit.ly/dSicJ9 #jpquake
steps that #Egypt must take to become a state that respects and complies with international humanitarian law http://bit.ly/ie18b7 #Jan25
RT @COImgr Five Ways You Can Help Japan http://ow.ly/4d5E9
RT @marc_cooper #Wisconsin 14 will join as many as 100,000 protesters in Madison Saturday. Beginning or end? http://bit.ly/hlp14h #notmywi
BBC update: hopes for a political deal in #Yemen are fading rapidly http://bbc.in/fqo37I
#Yemen police "kill 2, use poison gas" on protests - http://bit.ly/e99oC8 3 doctors describe symptoms #YF
US Embassy in Yemen issues statement, finally | Armies of Liberation: http://bit.ly/hW54ZM disappointing, defensive, late and weak
What a treat it is to listen to Isaac Mao aka @isaac at the #AJForum http://bit.ly/eazgJU Handle via @blakehounshell, link via @ThamerSalman
RT @TomokoHosaka: Japan nuclear safety commission official says meltdown at nuclear plant possible, AP confirms. #earthquake #jpquake
VIA @contwext: 3131 users are similar to @safiehgabriela - @helpnocharge, @peta_de_aztlan, .. - see more at http://contwext.com/?p=7841
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 3-11-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #HELP #Revolution: http://bit.ly/fMhFSX ~Saved Tweets
<+>Saturday, March 12, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
SURVEY: 5% of women feel their ass is too big. 10% feel it is too small. Remaining 85% say they don’t care; they love him just as he is.
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
@rgl Robert Longpré
@assisi Michael Conforti PhD
@ernestomedia ernesto aguilar
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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