Saturday, March 19, 2011

3-19-2011 Saturday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Liberation

3-19-2011 Liberation Now!
3-19-2011 Saturday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Liberation
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@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! We Will Win! Join the HELP! Let us come together as one!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
11:59 PM ~Sacramento: Hearing Channel 13 News. Rotations in clouds ~possible tunnel clouds and tornadoes. Bizarre tough weather.
@SactownMagazine I realized how stuff can get boring fast without my toys ~being able to see around me. Interesting insights.
@CherylBrownlee In rough times we can see when civilized manners fail us and can see in stark relief how humane we really are in life.
@V_Gonzo_17 Victor Gonzalez by Peta_de_Aztlan
Operation Odyssey Dawn , "We got money for wars but cant feed the poor" - Tupac Shakur
@MikeyEnergy You must be in the Downtown area. There were regional power outages in Sacramento. Still feel for refugees stuck outside.
All this bad weather is coming out of the south. There is a lot of energy. High winds, possible trees falling and a general mess.
@MikeyEnergy 11:48 PM ~Yeah, my lights went out in local area. All stuff is on now. Heavy winds, gusts concern about funnel clouds.
11:45 PM... and lit a couple of candles. Heavy thoughts of how when civilization collapses stuff can get barbaric real quick.
11:44 PM ~Sacramento WOW! Our electricity went down for an hour in the Downtown Area around here. Went dark for awhile. Had flashlights...
Watching Al Jazeera Live Stream Right Now ~
Benghazi, Libyan rebels’ stronghold, hit by artillery and rocket fire:
International coalition launches strikes on Gaddafi’s forces in Libya from sea and air:
10:30 PM ~ Kind of unusual for Sacramento. Wind advisory up to 45 MPH wind gusts and strong rain. Must be hell for refugees.
 “I believe they reflect the majority opinion of the soldiers in Afghanistan, This is a majority opinion movement.” ~Nader told AP
One chant that was repeated was: “Stop the War! Expose the Lies! Free Bradley Manning!”
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks supporter Daniel Ellsberg arrested at Whitehouse | WaPo
Anti-war activists arrested near White House as they mark 8th anniversary of start of Iraq war:
10:20 PM ~Dark outside, still rain whistling winds. If I listen deeply I can hear words in the winds. Turned on my heater here.
Great NASA photo of tonight's #SuperMoon next to Lincoln Memorial VIA @ergeekgoddess:
@ungaro Sometimes I just Tweet out to cyberspace. Many people are addicted to themselves ~yet we know sharing is caring.
U.S. actions in Libya may speak louder than words:
@anticoulter Know that sometimes we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Amerikan Warlords still need to get out of Afghan.
@ungaro Life is such a fragile vapor of breathing ~easily extinguished ~let it be lived nobly. #Libya #MoinBenghazi #MohammedNabbous
#LIBYA U.S. warships fired more than 110 Tomahawk missiles into Libyan territory to disable air-defense systems.
@edwardvirtually My Elder Manuel here is really amazed. Never thought he would see such technology.
RT @harrypav: Mohammed Nabbous 1983-2011 « Louis Abelman
U.S. Firepower and allied military power changes the whole Libya situation with a global impact. More will be revealed.
7 PM ~PST ~Now that the initial strikes on Libya have been done ~now nation-ego states will re-assess intricacies of alliances.
@edwardvirtually I was showing an Elder here about Google Earth, Google Maps and a little internet navigation. 1st time for him.
@edwardvirtually Nothing. I was just checking out Libya ~getting a better global picture with Google Earth.
@BreastCancerFX BreastCancerFX by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Cancer Unhealthy, Unemployed, Uninsured: 52 Million Americans Without In 2010: The problem of the uninsured in ...
Look at Libya terrain through Google Earth if you can on your computer!
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
High turnout marks 'orderly' Egypt vote: Millions cast their ballots in referendum but many argue constitutional...
@NicRobertsonCNN Nic Robertson by Peta_de_Aztlan
We are hearing sustained, heavy anti-aircraft fire and explosions in Tripoli
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
Live gunfire in Tripoli, it is 2:30Am Local... #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes AJE have a correspondent live
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
Gaddafi Air defenses have been severely disabled #Libya #Feb17 via #AJELive
@morsemusings Take care of yourself. Stay aware. Expect the unexpected. Go armed with your angels to guide you.
"Supermoon" Tonight: Biggest Full Moon in 18 Years:
@Dvq Finish up what you can ~Complete what you may of been putting off ~General Life Inventory ~Full Moon
Recall: Around the 8th Anniversary of the Shock and Awe Campaign in Iraq > >
YES RT @ShababLibya: ALL, yes ALL Gaddafi forces in ZINTAN have joined the #Feb17 revolution, Zintan now fully armed and ready #Libya
@Dj_Sojourner It is still day light here in California. The winds are whistling through the window cracks. So blessed to be inside.
@LIBA144 It can be hard sometimes to have self-responsibility ~but somewhere along the line we drove ourselves here.
Guess I will check out CNN News. Hope that does not make me a borderline masochist! ;->~~ Be aware grasshopper!
@pierrepetrelli Like how on TweetDeck I can see app for Tweet and what a reply is in relation to what Tweet of the stream.
@morsemusings When we deeply understand we cast aside snap judgments. Some folks are in serious dirt straits. Some are just stupid.
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
RT @DrJennifer: Need some inspiration? Sign up for daily quotes from me - ~She has 66931 Followers
Strong winds here in Sacramento. I suspect scores will be settled now. Matters will be brought into fullness during a Full Moon.
Depending upon where you are at or not ~in a battle zone or not~ the full moon can be a blessing or curse for the guerrilla.
I feel the Full Moon now... up there somewhere though it is still light here. For those under open skies tonight it could be divine.
An old dear friend use to say, "You make your bed, you sleep in it!" What if one has no bed to make?
Some people are like innocent by-standers who get blown away in a drive-by shooting. Who put use where we are at any given time?
Still... we must take responsibility for our lives ~we are responsible for our own decisions once we reach a level of maturity.
3:30 PM ~Here. Cold and really windy and rainy outside. Times like these especially my heart goes out to the refugees in the streets.
@morsemusings Well I am still capable of intimate love, falling in love and rising into love. Have learned to be careful and kind.
@morsemusings Sade - Somebody Already Broke My Heart #LightUpLove
@morsemusings Sade - I Never Thought I'd See The Day ~
@morsemusings Sade - "Love Is Stronger Than Pride" Music Video ~
#Libya crisis: Gaddafi's 'letters' to Obama and others ~Video Spoken Letter: ~Reason why I spell Ghadaffy
U.S. says five-nation coalition launching Libya strikes:
@morsemusings News can be depressing and even terrifying for some. News can also increase awareness and spur local action.
#Libya assault: UN's calculated gamble ~BBC News:
@morsemusings 2:37 PM ~Back up in Aztlán Sanctuary ~Saw The Lincoln Lawyer ~Great picture! Thanks so much
@lurainpenny We each have our measure of faith, dedication and commitment. Condemn no one. Criticize with love when needed.
VIA @ShababLibya: Seattle: Saturday March 19th, 3:00 pm -5:00pm Victor Seinburke Park, 2001 Western Ave, Seattle, WA #Libya #Feb17
RT @ShababLibya: Atlanta: Saturday March 19th, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm CNN Center 190 Marietta Street Northwest #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
RT @ShababLibya: Los Angeles: Saturday March 19th, 12:00pm-3:00pm Hollywood & Vine #Libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
VIA @ShababLibya: Washington DC: Saturday March 19th, 2 PM- 4 PM ~1600 Pennsylvania (front of White House, North side) #Libya #Feb17
RT @hrw: Gaza: Stop Suppressing Peaceful Protests
@lurainpenny I know what I Tweet can be redundant. I maintain that much of the work to be done is in realms of consciousness.
@lurainpenny Thank you Lurain. I am just doing what little I can. I have my own personal issues and spiritual growth to work on.
#LIBYA Arab leadership and participation in this effort is crucial. ~Hillary Clinton on CNN Breaking News
Let us pray that we are keenly sensitive to the vibrations of the world today and sensitive to our own inner feelings.
@Rotivation LMAO Well hell if I would of known that! I just want to post News Today for now, esp. about #Libya.
Let us pray that grace and wisdom is with all the people of Mother Earth today. Let us be mindful in all our communications.
@Rotivation I am seeing Twitter more as a medium for sharing News Links and Analyses ~after awhile old quotes get trite.
@starcana Let us use our knowledge of astronomy and astrology to help others in whatever ways we can today.
If you cannot think of anything constructive to do take the time to help to help someone else today. Think outside the brain.
We should have at least a global mind on current events ~be conscious of how best we can use our time, energy and resources.
Allies in Libya Airspace to Stop Assaults: ~To my knowledge it was short down by rebels.
@starZship Hell you brought the racist bitch up... just when I was getting over it! #Asians
@ElBaradei Thank you for Tweeting to us about the changing situation in Egypt. Revolution must be thorough, not surface reforms.
RT @ElBaradei: Top figures of Mubarak regime still @large undermining revolution. Something is terribly wrong!!
Don't get distracted or start pulling out littl' red-white-and-blue U.S. flags now. The USA must still withdraw from AfghanisNAM.
Hope the whole Libyan experience will make fascist repressors take a hard long look at their role in the world, including USA.
Libya has a limited air force, with about 80 percent of its aircraft "non-operational," according to the Pentagon:
#LIBYA San Francisco Chronicle: Allied Warplanes, Ships Move Into Place to Hit Qaddafi's Forces:
#LIBYA Hillary Clinton Arrives in Paris For Crisis Summit On Libya:
#LIBYA President Nicolas Sarkozy says France has already taken action against Libya:
#LIBYA Canada needs two days to prepare jets for Libya:
#LIBYA Military buildup for Libya mounts at Italian bases:
#Libya's Gadhafi blusters about no-fly zone via UPI:
#LIBYA: UN Passes No Fly Zone Resolution as South Africa Fails To Align With the BRIC Group:
RT @HamzaGrema: As every good moslem knows, the ordained time of death cannot be changed with or without arrival of #French jets!! #RIP #Mo
@twoflyingdogs Thank you for Follow. Mainly post Links to News ~I am a straight up radical by nature #FreeLibya
VIDEO: Dramatic video of warplane going down in flames, exploding on ground in Libya:
EQUINOX Sunday, March 20, 2011 ~New York, USA: 9 PM:
@acarvin Andy Carvin by Peta_de_Aztlan
Youtube clip of the audio Mo was recording when he was killed: #libya
@itn ITN by Peta_de_Aztlan
Defence specialist warns of possible civilian deaths in Libya. (
@itn ITN by Peta_de_Aztlan
Colonel Gaddafi seeks Barack Obama's advice on rebels through Libyan government spokesman. (
@itn ITN by Peta_de_Aztlan
Libyan government spokesman, Mussa Ibrahim, reads a letter from Colonel Gaddafi addressed to David Cameron. (
RT @acarvin: A Facebook group in Mo's honor:
@acarvin Remember: Balance in all things, including our personal health and continuum. You do a great job!
Obama’s shift toward military action in Libya:
President Barack Obama said Friday that the U.S. will help its allies enforce a no-fly zone over parts of Libya.
@love8rockets Great! Remember we can Direct Message now as we Follow each other now. Some stuff is personal for me.
@love8rockets Yes, still miss her being a physical presence in my life. She died from breast cancer in 1991. Precious being.
@Rotivation Remember Dick Cheney was the 'handler' for Fuhrer Bush (who was an idiot, could not even talk right, think clear).
@Rotivation Remember Fuhrer Bush used fascist propaganda with idea of 'war on terror' as tool for his fascist maneuvers.
@love8rockets Got to check out the News. See who is winning, who is losing. Monitoring events in Libya. Going to show this morning.
@love8rockets My Dad was a good role model in his own way. Plus, I had a few strong Uncles who were Perez.
@love8rockets I was basically raised on the streets ~strongly influenced by my Mother to protect the weaker, help others.
@love8rockets My Father was hard worker, faithful, provider, strong macho type (as am I), but neglectful in bonding with me.
@Rotivation We must know our mortal enemies ~admit that we actually have enemies ~learn from our mortal enemies.
@love8rockets I was a strange kid ~a precocious child ~then had environmental challenges early on ~Mom loved me, drove my Dad nuts.
VIA CNN ~French fighter planes in Libya will 'take action' on Ghadaffy forces harming Libyan people on the ground.
Ghadaffy is an Evil One with bad karma. He will have a tragic ending which will be largely of his own making.
@love8rockets Yeah, I went through my Peter Pan stage. Imagine I had a Friendly Ghost that was around me. Youth has promise.
In your now the future holds a flame of promise. It flickers in front of you while beckoning the soul to move towards it in hope. ~Veronica
@BentBenghazi We just have to make sure we do not incorporate any ways of those we hate. Blessings for the Libyan People!
@BentBenghazi Let our hearts to inspired by love for the people, not hate of any kind. Love endures. ~BUTT I do hate Ghadaffy's evilness.
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
French Military source says Libya was photographed last night to identify targets #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
French Rafale jets reported flying over Libya, #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
Muhammad Nabbous was an inspiration to all, from the very beginning he has been providing us all with the latest, armed only with a camera
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
Muhammad Nabbous the founder of Libya Al hurra TV in Benghazi, has been shot and Martyred, our thoughts with his wife and family #Libya
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
Please pray for Muhammad Nabbous of Libya Al Hurra TV, he is reported to be critically injured #Libya #Feb17
@love8rockets It only makes sense that since so much of us is water that Full Moons have a big impact on Earthly events.
@love8rockets Hell I was already too serious when I was 13 years old. Had a younger brother suffers from severe retardation I watched over.
@love8rockets He's 13 years lady! Let him enjoy his youth ~just stress health and his having healthy homeboys he hangs out with.
@love8rockets Happy Birthday to your son! May he had a great day. That is a wonderful age ~now he is formally a teen!
RT @Stylzdotcom: The war on terror is much like the war on drugs. the ideal is the cover up, the target is the people
7:25 AM ~Stormy clouds above ~bit scattered ~no rain right now ~plan to go to show today on the Mall ~Downtown Sacramento
FYI: You can create your own Twitter Newspaper at with Your User Name or specific Hashtags #LATISM
Echo: VIDEO 4:50 ~ Hopi Elders Call for Prayer for Japan and our World ~alienbluestar:
Echo: Cosmic Story: Virgo Full Moon & Spring Equinox March 19-20, 2011~
<+>Saturday, March 19, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

Twitter Link~

Humane Liberation Party Portal


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