Friday, March 18, 2011

3-18-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Liberation

3-18-2011 Liberation Now!
3-18-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Liberation
Top of Form
@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! We Will Win! Join the HELP! Let us come together as one!
@INTLRevolver Forgive me Sister. We are all one under the Sun. Still up checking news. Time for sleep. Until after dawn. ~Peta
@Tripolitanian Libyan by Peta_de_Aztlan
@AJELive @AJEnglish @CNN @BBCWorld please keep an eye on will return w/ vid on #Benghazi bombing
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
BREAKING: Bombing houses in Dollar Neighborhood 15Km from the airport south east of Benghazi #libya #gaddaficrimes #feb17
LINK: A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.:
<+>Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family<+>Pray for the Liberation of the Libyan People! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @papakelt: Follow @StratenMalaysia staunch advocate for #harmreduction and #socialjustice
@INTLRevolver The ideal is to reclaim the POWER OF THE WORD ~exercise our freedom of speech ~our freedom of expression WITHOUT FEAR!
@INTLRevolver ...of what I Tweet. It gives people food for thought. Then News Links are News Links. We just have to go with the flow.
@INTLRevolver I have worked with Yahoo Groups for a long time but I reach more people via Twitter. Even folks who may not agree with all...
@INTLRevolver Brother you are always welcomed! Keep using format. We need to use it as an enhancement.
RT @ShababLibya: Solidarity: Rally for Libya in Doha Sunday 4-6pm in front of Libyan Embassy #LIBYA #gaddaficrimes #Feb17
@morsemusings Yep, that Full Moon is coming!
@morsemusings It is good to have goals, dreams and some fantasies.
@morsemusings The poster said, "I'll stick to my fantasy until reality has more to offer."
@morsemusings You know I can embarrass easy. But thanks for the fantasy. Reminds me of a 60's poster.
@morsemusings I have a childhood memory floating around the edge of my consciousness on the left side.
@morsemusings Smoothie is getting way over my head here. Think I will have ice cream and soda...forget what that's called.
@gozamos by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @ergeekgoddess1: Did you know: First Spanish-Language Newspaper in US was Founded 200 Years Ago #latism
@morsemusings I know when sweet adorable ladies raise hell then I better duck and jump out the window. Flips!
@morsemusings Well I did not think about how you would open it... thought you just blinked and it opened!
@luzchavezb Good. I will always try to help. Guess cannot picture Chicanos in Chicago. Latinos yeah. Use Facebook too!
@morsemusings I want a Smoothie! Wish I was there.... remember I got Ice Cream in freezer. Thanks!
@luzchavezb Definitely use it for @Gozamos Chicago, IL ~Send Events to ~Send Tips to ~
@luzchavezb Try to make my Tweets relevant in general ~stand alone without a thread ~not half-thoughts
@luzchavezb Luz Chavez by Peta_de_Aztlan
I have a newfound love for cactus. I gotta try this recipe! RT @ThinkMexican: Nopalitos recipe ¡Buen Provecho!
VIA @jameskondo: Twitter launches #hope4japan: Donate for earthquake relief in Japan ~spread the love! ReTweet
@luzchavezb What I like is that I SEE results of Tweets from Others, including Articles, Videos etc.
@luzchavezb You can create your own Twitter Newspaper at with Your User Name or specific Hashtags #LATISM
@luzchavezb It is generated by Twitter from my Tweets and those I Follow, not me. I just format & post as Tweet:
RT @venanalysis: Venezuelan Authorities Captures Five Suspected ‘Black Eagle’ Colombian Paramilitaries #venezuela
RT @venanalysis: Indigenous Leader Sabino Romero Secures Conditional Release #venezuela
@morsemusings Good Night Sister Dawn ~my 'secret' Twitter Sweetheart. @Peta_de_Aztlan (you don't tell and I won't) ;->~~
@Aphrodite44 8:21 PM ~Can you see it from where you are? Now it is behind clouds again. We will have rainclouds all weekend here.
8:15 PM ~Now the Moon is clearly visible. Looks closer, so quiet, so grand, so mysterious. An old friend.
8:13 PM ~Coming Full Moon is hazy behind night clouds from my window here on top floor.
@drlouann The Coming Full Moon must be affecting you Dr. Louann ;->~~ Try Tweeting on how you FEEL now! Be an interactive Tweeter!
@lurainpenny Go to sleep. Free Will is essential for us not to be blaming Creator God for all our undoings. Night Night.
One of my 'Followers' @DrJennifer has 66,867 Followers ~seems to have helpful Tweets. Follow her for now.
RT @DrJennifer: Don't forget to sign up to listen to Andrew Harvey 'A Conscious Life' radio next week, 3/23 @ 4PM -
@lurainpenny Maybe God is taking so long before we have so far to go! Struggles come with lessons.
@lurainpenny Handle stuff with logic, common sense and a humane philosophy + Meditation= it's not what you think
Basic Care Tips for Discus Fish @HeikePflueger: ~An errant Tweet from Heike
Friday, Mar. 18, 2011 ~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily as shared by Peter S. Lopez + on Twitter:
RT @KenRoth: My take on the #UN Security Council's most recent #Libya resolution in Foreign Policy:
PIX: Mercury and Jupiter at Sunset 2011 March 18 ~
Cosmic Dirt Horoscope: Saturday March 19, Letting Go, Virgo Full Moon: VIA @starcana:
@pinesol #LIBYA This weekend should be heavy in different ways ~UN Meeting & Full Moon Saturday ~seems like fire elements
#BRAZIL Obama’s Trip to Brazil: COHA’s Evaluation of the Upcoming Presidential Tour of Latin America:
#CHILE Much Ado About Nothing: The Chile Visit ~of POTUS Obama:
#HAITI Aristide makes triumphant Haiti return before vote:
#YEMEN Dozens of Yemen protesters shot dead ~45 dead ~hundreds more injured:
Germany rejects Libya ceasefire monitoring role ~only UN should carry out task:
#LIBYA France's U.N. envoy predicted military action within hours of an international meeting on Libya on Saturday.
#LIBYA Military intervention looms in Libya: ~Down with Ghadaffy!
LINK: CNET: Software Downloads ~Tech News ~Other Stuff:
RT @INTLRevolver: The INTL.Revolver Daily is out! Top stories today via @usgs
@lurainpenny Sorry to read you are in pain. Sometimes I need to remember to take care of my own personal needs. Breathe in here.
Did you ever find yourself and then find out you were not who you think you were? @Peta_de_Aztlan
@trinity0679 Welcome back Lovely Pamela! Following you for now. Mainly post News ~sometimes insights. @Peta_de_Aztlan
@floridahomeless America's homeless are domestic refugees under a failed rogue regime called the US Government. Revolt!
@Fronterakid Let us create a world with no borders, only frontiers we must traverse and explore to learn.
4:26 PM ~About time for this ol' man's catnap ~been up since 4 AM ~woke up thinking about our Libyan Family #FreeLibya
LINK: United Nations and Humane Rights:
Obama to visit tomb of slain Salvadoran human rights activist:
US attacked by opponents at UN human rights body ~failure to close Guantanamo etc.:
European Court of Human Rights rules crucifixes are allowed in state schools:
Relief Web ~Serving Humanitarian Relief Community ~storage area online:
#Guinea torture victims thirst for justice:
UN Rights Chief Condemns Brutal Crackdown On Bahraini Protesters:
#Kenya: Arrest of Women Human Rights Defenders in Huruma:
@Fronterakid Too bad, so sad. Seems Amerika always has to have some group or another to hate to feel fulfilled. My bad.
Hamas Targets Journalists: Media, Human Rights Groups Silent:
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestinian Territory (10-16 March 2011)
@lostrelics Have a great day!
New body to regulate immigration consultants:
Inter-American Commission for Human Rights Report Blasts U.S. Immigration Detention Practices:
O.A.S. Slams U.S. Immigration Prisons:
Peck made headlines on Monday when, during an appropriations committee meeting, he made a reference to an agri… (cont)
Democrats call for Kansas lawmaker's resignation over immigrant 'joke' ~More like racist-genocidal slur!
@ma811 What does Archimedes mean? Greek mythology? I was raised in an inhumane and insane and dysfunctional society.
Has Anti-Latino Sentiment Peaked? #LATISM
Arizona lawmakers reject "birthright" immigration bills: #LATISM
Business opposition doomed Ariz. immigration bills: #LATISM
Arizona Senate hailed for halting anti-immigrant bills: #LATISM
Echo: Cosmic Story: Virgo Full Moon & Spring Equinox March 19-20, 2011~
Echo: VIDEO 4:50 ~ Hopi Elders Call for Prayer for Japan and our World ~alienbluestar:
@sharifkouddous OK. That's crowds not crows. Got it. Maybe the crows were cheering too! #Aristide
Drug-running tunnel found between Arizona and Mexico ~another one?
Top commander says US respects Mexico sovereignty ~drones and bones:
@ma811 I just have had a peculiar life ~ups and downs ~twists and turns ~ins and outs ~offs and on ~going up to mountain top.
Fuel-theft gang busted in #Mexico:
Just used to put my Twitter followers on my Twitter background. Check it out!
@ma811 @JohnJoerg Hell, I don't think I am a regular Earthling as far as that goes. See stuff a lot different than most. Love, Peta
@JohnJoerg ...but that does not mean we are of one mind. Sometimes we are not even in the same library, let alone the same page!
@JohnJoerg Life is not as simple as we wish. One cannot be colorblind or without recognition of ethnic differences. We are one species...
#YEMEN Friday, March 18, 2011 Yemen Revolution : Blood of Jasmine Revolution “Extremely Graphic”
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Clashes erupt at protests in Syria: Reports of violence as residents of three towns fill the streets in demonstr...
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Obama gives Gaddafi tough warning: US president says Libyan leader will face consequnces if he fails to implemen...
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Saudi monarch announces billions in handouts: Salaries of public employees raised while $66.7bn to be spent on h...
@ma811 We each must decide ~first I am a humane being ~then identify myself as a Chicano de Aztlán, not regular Amerikan!
@morsemusings I take it you saw The Lincoln Lawyer?
@JohnJoerg Amerikan Empire is primarily motivated by the political-economic interests of its super-rich ruling class.
RT @SyriansHand: Who kills his people does not deserve to be president of #Syria ~No. he deserves to be hung!
@whitehouse: POTUS Obama states that US will NOT deploy ground troops. Will enforce No-Fly-Zone #NFZ
RT @whitehouse: Happening Now: President Obama Speaks on the situation in Libya. Watch live:
Co-Creators: I mainly use Twitter for posting Links to News Articles and occasional insights. Try to keep Tweets meaningful.
Welcome to All Our New Followers AKA Co-Creators of developing consciousness! Will try to respond to questions.
@JohnJoerg Meditation= It is not what you think.
@morsemusings Movie Trailers + Clips | The Lincoln Lawyer: ~Plan to see it this afternoon with Manny
@dogcicle dogcicle by Peta_de_Aztlan
blogdog: TSA Porno Scanners Emitting 10 Times Radiation We Were Told_David Pakman -
@dogcicle dogcicle by Peta_de_Aztlan
blogdog: More than 30 bodies in the mosque to the martyrs killed by sniper system in Yemen:
@JohnJoerg Sure I agree. It's these damn two-legged human-mammals that cause most of the world's problems.
#YEMEN UN condemns use of live ammunition in Yemen's protest crackdown:
#YEMEN Yemeni authorities must act over sniper killings of protesters via AMNESTY:
#YEMEN At least 30 killed in Yemen, raising fears of a broader conflict:
#YEMEN Declares 'state of emergency' 18 Mar 2011 17:41
Demand that @KansasGOP & @RNC call on #VirgilPeck 2 resign from office immediately. Take action at RT @presenteorg
@venanalysis by Peta_de_Aztlan
Students and Workers March for Radical “Transformation” of Venezuelan Universities #venezuela
@venanalysis by Peta_de_Aztlan
Venezuela’s Dreams and Demons: Has the Bolivarian Revolution Changed Education? #venezuela
@splcenter SPLC by Peta_de_Aztlan
Spokane bomb suspect Kevin Harpham has long ties to white supremacist movement
@chicanopolitics @splcenter We need open monitored borders between continental USA and Mexico. Sane way to build bridges. #LATISM
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
Ralph Nader and Daniel Ellsberg: We Need to See Courage and Mobilization Here as Well as the Middle East
@emoodz Mohammed AlMaskati by Peta_de_Aztlan
What appears to be gunshots now in Sanabis in response to cries of takbeer earlier.. #bahrain #lulu
@splcenter SPLC by Peta_de_Aztlan
FBI: roughly two-thirds of terrorism in the US was conducted by non-Islamic American extremists. Interesting.
@WomanfromYemen womanfromyemen by Peta_de_Aztlan
#sanaa Blood donation needed :A+ and A-, to donate blood go to science & technology hospital #yemen #yf @Malanesi
@WomanfromYemen womanfromyemen by Peta_de_Aztlan
@Dory_Eryani @AhlamS we went to the hospital then to the square and got back now, we're fine no worries, situation is pretty bad
@yaraalsayed Yara Al Sayed by Peta_de_Aztlan
Few weeks ago Takbeer was a good thing. Now it's a bad thing? Allahu Akbar = God is Great. Most peaceful thing to be ever uttered by man.
@sivdevsatnag sivdevsatnag by Peta_de_Aztlan
@Dvq forward the truth marches as the beat of humanities heart, unstoppable, and unveiling what resists it, driven by it's relentless source
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
Scenes of jubilation outside Aristide's house
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
Outside Aristide's house #Haiti
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
Thousands have crossed into Aristide's compound. Climbing over walls and running across the lawn.
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
Hard to give estimate but there are thousands and thousands of people on the streets running alongside the caravan
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
In caravan with Aristides heading to his home. Outside the car the street is a river of people
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
Throngs of people outside cheering
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
In car with delegation that brought Aristide, including Danny Glover
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
Amy Goodman reporting inside the meeting room with Aristide
@sharifkouddous Sharif Kouddous by Peta_de_Aztlan
Aristide speaking with colleagues in #Haiti
@morsemusings ReTweeted by a Superstar could change stuff ~It depends on content, meaning, purpose and intention.
@dogcicle When we see a child going hungry and homeless, we must remember: "There is our child."
@dogcicle When we see a female in trouble we must remember, "She is my sister."
@dogcicle When we see a male stranger on the street we must remember, "He is my brother."
@dogcicle Gracias 4 RT. We really need to see each other as family ~no matter how distant or foreign ~we are people of Earth.
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
18+ Photo (Extremely graphic) A child killed with cold blood in #Yemen! 30+ Reported killed and hundreds injured.
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
At least 10 killed & 100 injured in #Yemen today. Protesters are under heavy fire
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
For 1st time in my life, I will vote. Finally, I feel that my vote counts. Democracy is worth all the sacrifice. #Egypt
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
Thanks @UN for the resolution on #Libya today. Enforcing it NOW is as critical as announcing it. Actions speak louder than words.
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
heavy Shelling today in Al Zintan number martyred not yet known #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
@AlmanaraMedia Almanara Libya by Peta_de_Aztlan
Baby injured in #Misurata "Graphic Video" -- #Libya
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
UK PM Cameron: Libyan people first to call for NFZ #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
France FM Alain Juppé: Preparations complete for air strikes in Libya #Feb17 #Libya #gaddaficrimes
@IbnOmar2005 Ibn Omar by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Gaddafi: "Did i say cease fire? No no my accent is har-red to underrstand. I said "See Us Fire"" #libya #feb17
@BaghdadBrian Brian Conley by Peta_de_Aztlan
Reports of civilians killed and bodies robbed in #Ajdabiya
@lurainpenny Thank you Sister Lurain. Plan to focus on #Libya today and other related matters. Be blessed @Peta_de_Aztlan #FF
#LIBYA VIA Wall St. Journal: Brazil Stocks Gain On Libya Cease Fire, Easing Japan Concern:
#LIBYA Gaddafi's ceasefire may split the coalition–and Libya ~Turkey has got its wish for a ceasefire:
Peter S. Lopez
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
#LIBYA VIA Times of India: China opposed UN resolution on Libya:
#LIBYA Clinton to Libya: U.S. not 'impressed by words'
Pix: Libyan Liberator stands next to map of Libya painted on wall in center of Benghazi on March 18, 2011:
#LIBYA Our Libya Gamble:
#LIBYA Can the Libyan "cease-fire" be trusted? by Amar C. Bakshi:
We need to go beyond nationalism and embrace all of the family of humanity as truly our own family. We only really only have the human race.
ThePhotogsBlog: It would be really pretty easy to stop Gaddafi in
U.N. alliance would halt Gaddafi loyalists from killing those opposed to his rule by "all necessary measures"
#LIBYA War With Libya Looms VIA Huff Post:
#LIBYA to free missing New York Times journalists:
VIA CNN: Reports of violence raging despite Libya cease-fire ~TEXT/VIDEO:
#LIBYA calls ceasefire in response to UN Resolution ~Foreign Min criticises 'violation of national sovereignty':
@gracealera I barely graduated from high school, but have a lot of practical direct experience about what works and what does not work.
@gracealera Study cognition: perception, conception and ultimately action in the context of connected reality. Comprehend.
@gracealera Our enemies are fear, ignorance, stupid superstitions, evilness within us (individualism, nationalism, sexism).
@gracealera Believe that much of the work to be done is in spiritual realms ~coming to know our own motives ~why we are here now.
@gracealera What is our being? What makes us who we are? What keeps us going when we feel like giving up and powerless?
@gracealera I post News Links every day, while I can, and hope they do some good, but we also need to go within our being.
@gracealera We can offer facts and figures, the truth is with us, yet people also have emotions and feelings we must inspire.
@gracealera To be radical is natural, a natural rational response to evilness in the world that left uncontested can destroy us all.
@gracealera We will find that a radical approach to life under the rule of the Amerikan Empire is ultimately natural.
@gracealera Revolution is a social leap in humane evolution ~we must radicalize our consciousness above reactionary fears.
@gracealera We can meet at the level of consciousness ~comprehend the vastness of the cosmos ~be aware of our Earth Environment.
@gracealera Hope to meet you someday. We have only met via Internet Power, but we can still share our thoughts, hopes and dreams.
8:36 AM ~Looks like we're having winds and rains next few days here in Sacramento. I will just try to stay healthy! @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Friday, March 18, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Elevate!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
@EdmundsGarden Dawn O'Brien by Peta_de_Aztlan
Be like the flower, turn your faces to the sun! -Kahlil Gibran

Twitter Link~

Humane Liberation Party Portal


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