Friday, March 11, 2011

3-11-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #HELP #Revolution

3-11-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #HELP #Revolution
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sleep well all you lovely Earthlings! Know that you are loved and treasured! We're gonna make it! It's tough, but we will win!
You're right! RT @alphaleah : Revolution is a MARATHON, not a sprint. Have heart. Rest. Wake up. Keep going. You're changing the world.
<+>Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family<+>Pray for the Safety of Our Family in Japan! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
@UwokwaMugabo TheNewMutagata by Peta_de_Aztlan
BURKINA REVOLUTION (it's Saturday in Burkina)Students R in the streets again bcuz the police killed 1protestor on Friday
@UwokwaMugabo TheNewMutagata by Peta_de_Aztlan
BURKINA REVOLUTION While chasing protestors all around Ouagadougou, the police shot a young child in the local market
@UwokwaMugabo TheNewMutagata by Peta_de_Aztlan
BURKINA REVOLUTION Today and tomorrow, there will be a march in Paris,in front of the Burkina embassy,to support the movement! #BlaiseDégage
#HELP Warriors must stay in the here now ~yet have a vision for the future. Have brave hearts ~not easily discouraged.
@babsieloo █♥█Cindy K. H.█♥█ by Peta_de_Aztlan
SURVEY: 5% of women feel their ass is too big. 10% feel it is too small. Remaining 85% say they don’t care; they love him just as he is.
@EgyFeeds Egypt News by Peta_de_Aztlan
Yemen police 'attack' anti-regime sit-in, one dead #AFP
#HELP The Link Medic - Free Blogging Resources plus Template Tweaks:
@ElBaradei Mohamed ElBaradei by Peta_de_Aztlan
Have illegal wiretapping & breech of privacy been completely discontinued ? We need unequivocal assurances
@ElBaradei Mohamed ElBaradei by Peta_de_Aztlan
Immediate dismissal of state media bosses is key to regaining credibility & people's trust. What are we waiting for ?
@ElBaradei Mohamed ElBaradei by Peta_de_Aztlan
Cancellation of referendum, clear & rational road map for transition only way towards true democracy.Let's not waste time
@ElBaradei Mohamed ElBaradei by Peta_de_Aztlan
Without Immediate detention of top leaders & figures of Mubarak regime , revolution in grave danger. Can not understand delay!
@Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez Ours is not the only way, ours is another way. Join Up Humane-Liberation-Party via Portal ~
#HELP 3/11/2011 Four Ticking Time Bombs That Will Soon Ignite a Revolution By Richard Clark:
#HELP People all over the world are feeling the Tsunami of #Revolution whose waves are sweeping around the world!
#HELP I @Peta_de_Aztlan Support #Armenian revolution of reform : March 1, 2011: VIA @hpNYR #Armenia #Revolution
@Masriyah25 Depends on your definition of cynicism. Mine involves questioning people's true motives ~suspicious #Jan25
@Masriyah25 Don't let 'them' seep into your psyche. We will start new schools ~new classes on liberation! #costofwar
RT @TypicalPisces4u: The Revolution will NOT be televised...the Revolution will be LiVE!¡ #PublicEnemy
American commanders anticipate a strategy of assassination against Afghans who participate in community structures such as the ALP.
#Afghan $12 billion spent annually by the United States to train Afghan security forces is too expensive to be sustainable.
#Afghan Taliban is losing its advantage in Afghanistan:
VIA War on Terror News: Forces kill insurgents, capture terrorists in Afghanistan:
Trueblood, 27, died Thursday in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, after enemy forces set off an improvised explosive device,
#Afghan Alameda soldier reported killed in Afghanistan:
#Afghan Ex-Blackwater contractors guilty of manslaughter in 2009 Afghanistan shooting:
More than 1 in 5 young Iraq and Afghanistan veterans was unemployed last year, the Labor Department said Friday.
#VETERANS Iraq, Afghanistan veterans struggle to find jobs:
War, what is it meant for? ~question relevant as U.S. considers action in support of rebels in Libya:
#Afghan US troops killed in Afghanistan and Africa:
#Afghan Gates Faults U.S. Allies on Afghan War:
#Afghan Gates warns U.S. allies about 'precipitous' exit from Afghanistan:
@TechCrunch TechCrunch by Peta_de_Aztlan
Flickr Confirms Taking Down Egyptian Blogger's Photos, Cites Community Guidelines Violations by @alexia
Check out @acarvin Andy Carvin ~NPR. Online community organizer since 1994. Ex-Director Digital Divide Network.
Jon Stewart said if Twitter & Facebook can start a revolution in Egypt then why did we invade Iraq? Why didn't we just poke them?
#HELP Download TweetDeck > ~Check out its features and settings
#HELP Diversity your Daily Routines ~your Interests ~your Relationships ~your Favorites ~your Colors ~your Music
#HELP Faster easier sharing of News Articles for Online Reporters Add This >
#HELP For better Internet Navigation and to Access Favorite Websites Go To > ~Essential for me!
#HELP Diversify who you Follow ~Don't just preach to the choir ~Be open to logical trains of thought ~Use your mind!
@love8rockets Yes, glad you made me double-check that. Often the devil is in the details. Watch out for sensationalism.
#HELP Take the time to create a blog (if you have not yet) ~your opinions (right or wrong) have value ~they are yours!
#HELP Avoid like the plague any fruitless fixation ~any form of fanaticism ~any bi-polar political thinking of Left Vs. Right
#HELP The real battlefields are in the hearts, minds and souls of the masses of people ~Powers of Light VS. Dark Forces
Revolt! RT @KeepSeeing1111: ALL Strs RT @lormazicca Glistening Strs #FF @mamm5 @bowie747 @MaraLovesEarth @OneLoveOneEarth @RainbowKate
#HELP Prepare yourself for long-term protracted People's Liberation War ~Get a warrior's state-of-mind ~Makes it easier
#HELP Start a small Workout Group ~practice doing group Yoga ~martial arts ~practice with protective fear ~stretchout
@Masriyah25 #ASTRO Been monitoring stuff online for several long years now ~notice strange synchronicities ~agreements.
@DinoAni #HELP I'm going to quit my snobby ways and Follow all radicals! Hands getting sweaty holding this rifle!
@Radio_Lady Hola #Ellen! Do not want to get lost among all your Followers and Followed BUTTT Good to see you pop up on my TweetDeck!
RT @Radio_Lady: Worse news drives out bad news which overtakes good news. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. Regards, #Ellen
#HELP Exercise your all your humane rights, including Freedom of Expression. Use it or lose it! No foolish fear.
#HELP Organize Book Study Group ~have small educational meetings in your home ~coffee and donuts for bait (like AA Meetings)
#HELP We humane beings who believe in radical change need to take heart ~focus on local level ~what can you change now?
#HELP The Japan earthquake and tsunami has dominated the news today ~memories of Libya recede to the background. ADHD
Quake and Tsunami Leaves Wake of Destruction Across Northern Japan:
Photo Gallery: Qaddafi burns oil pipelines in Libya ~March 10, 2011
#Libya’s uprising reaches 3rd week ~Ghadaffy's position strengthened ~no-fly zone is a growing dilemma for the West.
In Europe, plenty of talk about a no-fly zone in Libya but little consensus -
Obama to Appoint Special Representative to Libyan Rebels -
UN humanitarian mission visits Libya Saturday -, Philippine News for Filipinos:
#Libya, Gaddafi forces recapture strategic western town:
Medicine Wheel represents everything. All the directions originate from center outward. Center is home of Creator. ~Dr. A.C. Ross LAKOTA
6:04 PM ~Time for Democracy Now!
@Masriyah25 There are definitely astro influences going on ~stars and planets are bigger than us ~just EMFs alone!
Once in Aries, Uranus will bring more clarity, and you'll discover the courage to act without fear of consequences.
@rgl Of course balance is important. So is learning from our falls. The whole eco-system is out of whack on Earth!
March 11: Uranus makes monumental shift into Aries, where it will remain seven years after being in Pisces last seven years.
@lurainpenny I am good ~still alive and learning. Prayer for a miracle!
My neighbor says it is Spring because she saw Daffodils blooming. Who am I to argue with that? Think she is Partheimers'. ;->~~
5:52 PM ~Been fooling around here most of the day. Just came back from a beautiful early Spring walk in the hood around here.
@love8rockets Eight times normal radiation levels outside facility ~1,000 times normal inside Unit 1's control room. #Japan #tsunami
@nleseul Well feel free to send me your imaginary money! Need to pay April Rent! #USDOR #anarchism
@tad1073 I am really concerned how Gov't seems so dysfunctional ~spending imaginary $$$ MONEY we do not really have! #USDOR
@CNN Suspect CNN is relieved in a way about Japan ~tsunami ~ETC. #Libya has become kind of a dead end story. Strange!
@USDayofRage Has the US Gov become a rogue regime itself? Where's our jobs? Our money? Our gov't? #USDOR
@USDayofRage US Day of Rage by Peta_de_Aztlan
Thank you. Keep them coming. Join the hash-tag conversation. List your original grievances on #USDOR | US Day of Rage
RT @LAmerican: Hundreds dead after earthquake, #tsunami slam #Japan #japon
?!? RT @LAmerican: Radiation 1,000 times normal at #Japan nuke plant #tsunami #earthquake #japon
RT @LAmerican: American in #Tokyo: 'Everything started shaking' #Japan #Japon #tsunami #earthquake
RT @LAmerican: Photo slideshow: Devastating #tsunami hits #Japan #Japon
RT @wikileaks: US judge: Twitter must your info in Wikileaks secret espionage probe
RT @wikileaks: Federal judge denies bid of three linked to Wikileaks to keep Twitter information secret
RT @wikileaks: Judgement in US v. WikiLeaks et al (pdf)
RT @wikileaks: Assange case in turmoil as accuser linked to police | SMH
RT @wikileaks: State Dept Official's comments about WikiLeaks suspect touch off furor
RT @wikileaks: Arab revolutions to spread to the US? A United States 'Day of Rage' is brewing
RT @wikileaks: Ellsberg: This shameful abuse of Bradley Manning
RT @wikileaks: The leaked US Counterintelligence report (Mar 2008) wherein WikiLeaks was identified as a threat (PDF)
Be in your being before you go in your going.
@aglb66 As much as I love America it is behind in several key LIFE indicators, especially REAL social equality. #Venezuela
Imagine the people of Japan have a cultural of being prepared ~History of earthquakes ~let us not forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Alice Walker and 21 top spiritual leaders sharing their secrets to sacred living for free. I just signed up: RT!
RT @venanalysis: Venezuela: Highest Gender Equality in Latin America #venezuela
RT @venanalysis: Venezuela Celebrates Women’s Advances, but More Efforts Needed #venezuela
'These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation… (cont)
Check out @walkiride juana azurduy ~Argentina humanista,pacifista,ecologìsta, PROFESORA DE HISTORIA
@gracealera With all our Love and Light let us not forget the healing properties of laughter! ;->~~
@gracealera Suspect the Japan earthquake released a lot of suppressed energies onto the global environment. Beginning.
After intense personal changes these past few years I have come to understand and accept my role in the coming revolution. ~Salvador Russo
This is a time where a warrior will be born in all of us, though it's up to us to decide what to do with this new energy. ~Salvador Russo
It is up to each of us to totally embrace the shocking changes in order to fulfill our destinies in the coming global revolution. ~Russo
@walkiride It takes a warrior to fight for peace and truly appreciate the presence of peace that begins within our souls.
As events happen on a global or macrocosmic level, they also happen on a personal, microcosmic level-in exact synchronicity. ~Salvador Russo
... united, warrior-like attitude among global citizens that will serve as the most important driving factor in the coming revolution.
As a revolutionary spirit inflames the globe, we will experience wide-spread instability, manifesting in a variety of ways. ~Salvador Russo
@gracealera Our own vibes and brain waves ~positive/neutral/negative~ can affect electro-magnetic fields in our environment.
@gracealera We need to be aware of skies, birds, natural sounds and vibrations in our environment. Keep our antennas up!
#READ 1/17/2011 "Uranus in Aries: The Revolution of Consciousness" by Salvador Russo: VIA @AngArtemis:
Timeline: Earthquakes: ~Needs to be updated now!
@lizzwinstead Lizz Winstead by Peta_de_Aztlan
How about if we stop waltzing into Muslim countries to blow them up. Would that in anyway stop the "radicalization" of Muslims? #Muac
RT @ArabRevolution: RT @chanadbh Video of the march to the Royal Court before the teargas: #bahrain #feb14
@Masriyah25 Going with the flow I make a conscious effort to ponder upon why certain events happen. What is Spirit teaching?
Japan is a 5 and a Half Trillion Dollar economy and the 3rd Larger Importer of Oil. Thus, global markets will have their own shakes!
See 'natural disasters' as signs from nature making us more aware of how precious and fragile life is. We belong to Mother Earth.
What do you have in your life where you stand that is not on a firm foundation? What would fall around you or above you in an earthquake?
... top waters above ~causing waves across bodies of water ~radical rinsing of surface layers ~reminding us of debris in our lives.
In a spiritual realm we can look at a tsunami as emanating from deep within ~when basic foundations shift ~altered plates ~displacing...
Tsunamis when sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water ~Tectonic earthquakes ~earth's crustal deformation;
#Tsunami comes from the Japanese, meaning "harbor" (tsu, ) and "wave" (nami, ).
National Geographic: Tsunami Facts: How They Form, Warning Signs, and Safety Tips: #PrayJapan
@unido1931 Nature has a way of getting our attention as humans ~dwarfing us with 'natural' disasters that strike without warning.
@unido1931 We have family all over the world, but I know what you mean. People should stay away from California coastline.
@unido1931 Watching TV Channel 13 ~Looks pretty calm now in San Francisco. Media has a way of hyping. 8:35 AM
Foreign Policy: Revolutions Won't Hit Saudi Arabia by Nawaf Obaid:
3/10 #LATISM Party: Latinos, Religion and Spirituality — Latinos in Social Media:
VIA @AARPenEspanol: VIA @ergeekgoddess: The #Latism Daily is out! Top stories (cont)
Hawaii's History of Tsunamis ~A look back at great Hawaiian tsunamis of 1946 and 1960:
Japanese nuclear plant under control after quake, official says:
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Tune in to #AlJazeera's extended coverage of the earthquake in #Japan: #tsunami
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Injuries as protests hit Saudi city: Interior ministry says police opened fire after protesters attacked a poli...
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Libyan delegation arrives in Cairo: Gulf Arab foreign ministers call on the Arab League to take measures to stop...
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
EU nations split over Libya action: Britain and France push for military plans and recognition of the Libyan reb...
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Libya rebels face Gaddafi onslaught: Pro-government forces reportedly advancing eastwards as rebels retreat unde...
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Arab world witnesses more protests: Police deployed in Saudi capital in anticipation of protests, as demonstrati...
RT @truthout: Long Live Democracy: Reclaim Wisconsin #p2 #p2b #p21
VIA @truthout: After Afghan Massacre, Word Games by US Media #p2 #FreeAfghan
Possible Tsunami in San Francisco at 8:08 ~ now 8:04 here in Sacramento.
@morsemusings morsemusings by Peta_de_Aztlan
Google Person Finder: #Japan #Earthquake 2011 Googleの人ファインダー:#日本#地震
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 3-10-2010 Thursday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Radical: #Tweets
Geniuses! Remember you cannot outrun water from Tsunami waves! And no it will not wait because you're doing your toenails!
Join HumanE Liberation Party HELP > or another progressive party or group. Get involved today!
@pierrepetrelli We both follow @ShababLibya, @ElBaradei, @Ghonim, and more. Revolutionary Greetings!
RT @ShababLibya: Revolutionaries are reported to be moving forward towards Gaddafi forces in Ras Lanuf #Libya #Feb17 #TNS
Free Leonard Peltier Now! ~!/LeonardPeltier Share On Facebook & Twitter RT
Sending a Sparkle! RT @lormazicca: Glistening Strs #FF @mamm5 @bowie747 @Peta_de_Aztlan @MaraLovesEarth @OneLoveOneEarth @RainbowKate
Greetings to All New Followers, or better, Flowers in the Fields of Twitterland! Follow your heart!
Watching TV News Tsunami Wave Warning for West Coast of California around 8:08 AM ~Pacific Standard Time
RT @wikileaks: US State Department condemns treatment of Manning: "ridiculous, counter-productive and stupid"
@Bahrain_Wotan Guns is still a key tool for liberation. Do not throw your gun away nor submit to pacifism. #Bahrain
RT @THEESAKSHIGOPAL: see these devastating effects #prayforjapan
RT @flookr: Some photos of the today's earthquake and tsunami in #Japan: (via @BBCBreaking)
<+>Friday, March 11, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate Mother Earth!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
RT @utpian: Holy shit, Japan has a huge tsunami after the earthquake today. So sad on CNN..Watching the tsunami take over #prayforjapan
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

@luzchavezb Luz Chavez

@assisi Michael Conforti PhD

@PuenteAZ Puente Arizona

@hamish6PM · Follow Hamish Macdonald

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