Monday, November 29, 2010

Writing : How to writing the date

American : Month - Day - Year
Format A : July the Twenty-Sixth, 1985
Format B : July 26th, 1985
Format C : July 26, 1985
Format D : 7/26/1985
Format E : 7/26/85
Format F : 07/26/85

British : Day - Month - Year
Format A :
the Twenty-Sixth of July, 1985
Format B : 26th July 1985
Format C : 26 July 1985
Format D : 26/7/1985
Format E : 26/7/85
Format F : 26/07/85

In English, months are correctly written with an initial capital: January, February...
1st ---------- first
2nd --------- second
3rd --------- third
4th --------- fourth
5th --------- fifth
6th --------- sixth
7th --------- seventh
8th --------- eighth
9th --------- ninth
10th -------- tenth
11th -------- eleventh
12th -------- twelfth
13th -------- thirteenth
14th -------- fourteenth
15th -------- fifteenth
16th -------- sixteenth
17th -------- seventeenth
18th -------- eighteenth
19th -------- nineteenth
20th -------- twentieth
21st --------- twenty-first
22nd -------- twenty-second
23rd -------- twenty-third
24th -------- twenty-fourth
25th -------- twenty-fifth
26th -------- twenty-sixth
27th -------- twenty-seventh
28th -------- twenty-eighth
29th -------- twenty-ninth
30th -------- thirtieth
31st --------- thirty-first

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