Blogpost: November 29, 2010 ~ Lunes/Monday via Peta_de_Aztlan~
Work is the expenditure of energy for practical results in connected reality. I have spent most of my life working in one wage-slave position or another in a number of field. Despite all my work here I am poor, single and unemployed with no one else I can really depend on ~other than my faith in Creator of the Cosmos as a mere humble creature.
Nowadays I expend a lot of energy on the Internet posting to Twitter, Facebook and Yahoo Group various news articles, personal insights and comments. So a lot of my life right now is my life online. I know some people may not consider this as real work ~though I put hours into it every day on a regular basis. My primary purpose is to help raise cosmic consciousness in general, stimulate thoughts and my writing also serves as a kind of personal therapy for me. Overall I would say that writing is my passion in life, transmitting thoughts via the typed word for others and myself.
My dream job would be making a living from my writings as I practice to be more of a creative writer. I am learning more how to write with my spirit, not always having to have everything I am writing all figured out in my head and just going with the flow when I am writing. One mental behavior that use to slow me down a lot and that I should stay conscious of is stopping and editing as I am doing a first writing. So I just try to go with the flow, let my inner spirit guide me and just let it all hang out.
It may be best for my to centralize my writings online here in this personal blog, to include my Tweets. All this blogging and micro-blogging eats up a lot of my time. I am not sure how long I can continue. As I type this I know that my expensive Comcast bill is going up. It would be nice if I could get a grant just for writing stuff here. However I am not motivated by money, I am motivated by seeking greater meaning in my life.
In a real way I have been on a kind of three-month Sabbatical from regular work life since I was Laid Off on 9/01/10 that has taken me through September, October and November. Maybe I have been foolish with all this time not being a wage slave. However, it has given me time, space and circumstance to better figure out who I am, where I am at and where I want to go from here. Many people just burn their lives out going to-and-fro to regular work as slaves without ever working on their own Spiritual Growth ~which will get them further in the long run or at least give them an inner peace about who they are in the here and now of connected reality.
Free Leonard Peltier! Free All POWs!
I hope to get a Three Day Notice to Pay or Quit in order submit it to Lisha at my HPRP Assessment this Wednesday. So I have some anxiety about that but ~as usual~ I just keep my faith in the Lord come what may and take it all one day at a time. Come to find out I was not even eligible for General Assistance from the County because I had a few hundreds in my Savings Account. Thus, I may have to re-apply to see if I can get help in December. Sometimes I feel like just saying, "Fuck it!" and moving out of state and taking my chances trying to re-settle in another city in another state ~preferably Phoenix, Arizona. If not Phoenix then San Francisco. I have lived most of my life in Sacramento and if matters get worse than I hope I am open to the option of just striking out on my own somewhere. As long as I have Internet Access I will be able to reach out to others. ~Namaste, Che Peta
Twitter Timeline for November 29, 2010~Lunes/Monday
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Peter S Lopez
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Come together! Help Create Peaceful Revolution! Raise Cosmic Consciousness! Take Action Now! Be Humane!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Good Night Loved Ones! @Jah_Empress @ishtarmuz @TraceyParadiso @DesertErrorist @JAHnessa @dbudlov @ShivvpankajEmergentCulture #Truth @
@DesertErrorist As for myself I was blessed with good older role models ~know some youth around here, many out of focus, good at heart
@ishtarmuz Ultimately it is a matter of Spirituality, not Ideology or Technology. Though my belief system of Spirit Matters is unique.
RT @sunshineejc: "Fascism should rightly be called #Corporatism, as its the merger of corporate & government power." ~Benito Mussolini
@ishtarmuz Let us be aware of tools, tricks and techniques of Amerikan Fascism ~disinformation ~calculated confusion ~fear mongering etc.
@DesertErrorist Insane way U.S. citizens lay exclusive claim to term 'American' ~denies Americanism of Mexico, Central and South America
@Jah_Empress Sometimes #Truth is ~hard to hear ~suffer denial ~hurts feelings ~damages relations ~stirs up mean memories #WikiLeaks
@DesertErrorist Ask Amerikans: Who was Oscar Grant? Who was Jonathan Jackson? Who is Leonard Peltier? Who are Americans???
@ishtarmuz Right. We have some ~twisted Liberal-Leftists ~perverted patriots slamming #Assange and #WikiLeaks for sharing Truths!
VIA @Forbes Nov. 29 2010 - 5:04 pm ~#WikiLeaks’ Julian #Assange Wants To Spill Your Corporate Secrets > *
RT @PritishNandy: If purpose of journalism to inform people, Wikileaks and #Assange have done sterling service. So many red faces in Govt!
Remember: Don't blame the Messenger for the Message ~Support the Truth that #WikiLeaks pours out via Internet Power @wikileaks
VIA Telegraph~ #WikiLeaks: Julian #Assange accuses Barack Obama of trying to stifle press freedom ~
#WikiLeaks has done wonders to ~stimulate discussions ~engage conversations ~stir up debate ~loosen up rigid minds ~open governments!
Remember: No matter what #Truth you speak some are always going to judge and condemn #Truthtellers ~ #WikiLeaks#cablegate
Humane Americans should applaud #WikiLeaks Brother Julien #Assange ~for him having courage of convictions ~for him sharing #Truth
Remember: US Government LIED about WMDs in Iraq ~Obama campaigned on lies/false promises ~Pentagon papers ~Amerikan Holocaust etc.
After couple of weeks present level of exposure about #WikiLeaks will play out ~Amerikans will do what they do best: forget
Obama Regime knows Amerikans suffer from forms of #denial ~many have #ADD in this Internet impacted society. #WikiLeaks
Amerikans believe what they want to believe despite #Truth, esp. if it is against the U.S. Government AKA #POTUS Obama Regime
9:10 PM ~ Watching CNN Larry King Live on #WikiLeaks with Daniel Ellsberg and others ~lots of propaganda coming out these days
@lurainpenny: Give♥this♥ to ♥ the ♥ twelve ♥ nicest ♥people ♥you ♥ know ♥ if ♥ you ♥get ♥ five ♥ back ♥ you ♥ must ♥ be ♥ perfect ♥
Check out Intercontinental City on Facebook ~ VIA @indigenous_news #indigenous
RT @PalestineToday: Farming under fire: Buffer zone attacks continue: three more workers shot
@WhenPigsFly03 People like you make it all worthwhile. We all need better analyzes and contextual perspectives #WikiLeaks
FYI: #Espionage Act passed by Congress in 1917 after United States entered the First World War.>
VIA WashPost~ WikiLeaks founder could be charged under Espionage Act: ~
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."~Robert Louis Stevenson ~
And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.~John 8:32 @wikileaks ~
We know RT @feervillalobos: #cablegate #cablegate #cablegate #cablegate #cablegate #cablegate #cablegate #cablegate#cablegate #cablegate
U.S. Facing Global Diplomatic Crisis Following Massive #WikiLeaks Release of Secret Diplomatic Cables > RT
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Hillary says US taking "aggressive steps" against us; take some yourself:
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Australia deploys Taskforce against WikiLeaks help us deploy counter force:
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
WikiLeaks reveals US Nuclear Weapons in the Netherlands
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Hilarious cable on Prince Andrew mega corruption
Support #Cablegate Truth coming out from #WikiLeaks. See through the fascist propaganda from Obama Regime and Sec State Clinton!
VIA @marcthiessen: In Washington Post: Obama administration is weak in the face of #WikiLeaks > ~
Hillary Clinton= fascist propagandist ~called #WikiLeaks 'attack on the International Community'. Quit Drone Attacks!
VIA @GlobalReuters: WikiLeaks Scandal: Is the United Nations a Den of Spies? >
VIA Christian Science Monitor ~ #WikiLeaks: The five strangest far >
RT @harlechnnorfolk: Safe World Campaign Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today by @Peta_de_Aztlan @Reutersdominiquerdr @
@JamalDajani Let the light of Truth shine on the darkness of evildoers worldwide! #WikiLeaks #cablegate @Peta_de_Aztlan
Good! RT @JamalDajani: #WikiLeaks blows cover off #Israel's covert Gulf states ties
RT Support @wikileaks ~!/wikileaks ~ ~ #cablegate RT
RT @AJEnglish: Rifts mar Cancun climate conference: Mexico's president urges nations to look beyond their nations' ...
@MozellLingard39 Spin on this>>>>>>>>>>>>>Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~
Reply: @GiGiCapone Without independent media and independent minds we would all be really screwed! Let All Support #WikiLeaks
RT @DesertErrorist: get your shit together. take responsibility. advance.
RT @DesertErrorist: by whining,crying,running away and/or being complacent shows your inability to take control of a situation.
Got for it! RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks to bust bad banks: keep us strong:
#WikiLeaks #cablegate RT @wikileaks: Hilarious cable on Prince Andrew mega corruption
@humane_being: Indeed, time to be your enlightened self. It is one thing to be yourself; it can be another to be enlightened.
SocialistViews Socialist Worker by Peta_de_Aztlan
Arundhati Roy responds to the Indian state's police investigation into her defense of Kashmir
indiancountry Indian Country Today by Peta_de_Aztlan
A conversation with Felipe Rose-
JAHnessa Jahnessa by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @greenpeaceusa: check out this video from earlier today: Greenpeace #Spygate lawsuit breaks on… via @youtube
figmentspot Dana Tommasino by Peta_de_Aztlan
Oh yes :: I'm very interested in the absolute, radical unsettling of places that a poem can exemplify- Lyn Hejinian
YouTube - 11/29/10~Morning_Prayer_via_Peta_de_Aztlan: via @addthis
FYI: YouTube - Video: RSS in Plain English: via @addthis
RT @mparent77772: Palestinian young woman severely tortured by Israeli soldiers
Ummm..RT @jeremyscahill: i wonder if any US diplomats are using those stolen credit card numbers to make cyber monday purchases.
Heavy! RT @oshum: RT @KrisLindbeck Buddhist teacher once said raw spiritual experience like a raw egg. Can only be transmitted in shell!
Tweet To Self: 12:01 PM ~Remember to clean house, do a load of clothes & go to the store for milk! @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @AJRizKhan: Writer and activist Raj Patel on global food justice: #AJE @_RajPatel
RT @openmythsource: "I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud." ~C.G.Jung #cgjung
Amen! RT @Jenmalen: "Lift the veil that obscures the heart and there you will find what you are looking for." ~Kabir
Unjust Laws RT @GaianCollective: Laws are designed to control the subjects of the State nothing less nothing more. #cablegate
Recall: 4 Agreements #1 Be Impeccable with Your Word #2 Don’t Take Everything Personally #3 Don’t Make Assumptions #4 Do Your Best
Support @wikileaks ~!/wikileaks ~ ~ #cablegate RT
Study! Cable Viewer: ~The truth will help set us all free! #cablegate #wikileaks @wikileaks
davidcnswanson David Swanson by Peta_de_Aztlan
Check this video out -- Whatever Happened To Peace On Earth? Willie Nelson… via @youtube
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
Sacramento People! RT @HandsOnSacto: Register to volunteer for the Sacramento Homeless Street Count!
Like RT @icpchad: #TwitterTip - Get to know someone before asking for an RT. I'm not an RT on the first tweet kinda girl! =)
@TheAngryindian Amerikan Empire has gradually and quietly subvered what was once America while we slept. #WikiLeaks
@Br uceWStanley: Let us all wake up and wake up our peopels! Support #WikiLeaks @wikileaks
@rahung Arrogance of Obama Regime ~as further evidenced by H. Clinton today~ still amazes me. Do they think we are stupid? #WikiLeaks
Please take time to READ~ RT @intifada: Letter from prison: I have a lot of energy to struggle
RT @wikileaks: Hillary says US taking "aggressive steps" against us; take some yourself:
U.S. society is #polarizing more and more into those who supporr a corrupt U.S. Government and those who oppose its evilness!
Understand that the fascist idea and intention is concentrated in the inner circles of Amerikan Empire. #WikiLeaks #cablegate
Understand that we are colonial subjects of the Amerikan Empire, not of a true free independent nation. #WikiLeaks #cablegate
WikiLeaks disclosure an attack on US foreign policy: Hillary Clinton > ~ #WikiLeaks #cablegate
@SacStepsForward ~ Am former Case Manager/Counselor at local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter ~Laid Off 9-01-2010 ~Need Job!
'Hacktivist for good' claims WikiLeaks takedown > ~
RT @EmergentCulture: Bomb Attacks Kill, Injure Nuclear Physicists in Iran.
RT @democracynow: #Haiti allegations of vote rigging in presidential #election. 12 candidates call for peaceful protests.
RT @Toltecjohn: 'I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else' > Rumi
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: Blogpost: November 28, 2010 ~ Domingo/Sunday via Peta_de_Aztlan: ~
RT @AJEnglish: US launches probe into cable leaks: White House directed government agencies to tighten procedures ...
9:40 AM~ As far as I heard POTUS Obama did not say a word about #WikiLeaks or #Cablegate today. Indeed, denial is a demon.
Watching Breaking News on CNN with our beloved POTUS Obama ~personally I like him, but disagree strongly with his foreign policies.
JAHnessa Jahnessa by Peta_de_Aztlan
"One more prayer just might be the one" that brings Leonard home video #FreePeltier #media
Endless Echo: FREE LEONARD PELTIER NOW! ~ ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Viewing cable 89PANAMA8545, PANAMANIANS HOPE FOR A SUCCESSFUL COUP~1989-12-13 19:07~SECRET~Embassy Panama >
WikiLeaks 'surprised' by scale of US espionage ~ CNN November 29, 2010 -- Updated 1416 GMT >
<+>November 29, 2010_Lunes/Monday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Liberate the day with the Power of Truth! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
@edwardvirtually Let us pray for the safety, sanity and moments of serenity for Brother Assange #WikiLeaks #cablegate
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Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~
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