Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Recipe a Day & More Awards

Have you checked out my other blog Bread ~N~ Butter yet?  If you haven't, you really should!  Seriously, go ahead, click here!  Hey, and while you're there, don't forget to grab my button and add it to your blog!  I would appreciate the traffic!

My Button...Grab it!

During the entire month of March I will be posting a new recipe each day!  Even if you aren't a foody, into baking or cooking, the recipes I post are simple, great tasting and are so easy that a 9 year old (and I know this from experience) can make them or at least help out!

(Click the link below to continue reading this post.)
Today I posted a recipe on how to make Bailey's Irish Cream Cake...yum!  So if you like cake and liquor this is a recipe you'll definitely like!  Give it a try!

Anyway, now that I've plugged my other blog, I'd like to introduce a new page I've set up on my blog...this blog!  It is for AWARDS, about AWARDS and, well, is AWARDS!  LOL...if you haven't figured it out yet...it's an Awards Page.

No silly, it's not all the awards that I've received (all two of them...and I love them dearly!), it's all the awards that I've made and that I'd like to share with everyone to give to others...to spread some love around!  I've got a pretty good start with some that I've already made, been working on and I do have some that I'll be adding again soon.  I've also included the 2 awards I've recently been given as they are worthy of passing on!

So this is where I'm going to ask for you help!  Help me think of reasons why someone would like to give out an award to another blogger or categories of awards.  It can be for anything...I mean anything!

Although, I will not make awards to be shown on my page that are overly vulgar or offensive to others in general.  It takes a lot to offend me (on a normal day, when I'm not PMSing or an emotional wreck) so if it offends me, I will not make an award of it.

Also, if you've made an award or two and would like me to show it off on my Awards Page, just email me at k.marie37bg@gmail.com and I'd be happy to show it off on my new page.

So, please, please, pretty please...oh, alright...with a cherry on top, help me make this Awards Page great!!!!

A couple quick things...first, I've added a spot at the very bottom of my blog for you to add a thumbnail for your blog.  Please add yours!  Secondly, I've also added a button to my blog!  So please grab my butt-on!  If you have one, let me know!  I'd love to show it off on my blog!

Grab My Butt-on!

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