Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Random Thoughts

I've been so busy and out of my mind lately that my head is spinning!  I have wanted to come here and write a new post but I'd sit here staring at the blank "New Post" page without anything whirling around in my head to tell all of you.  I am not sure what's going on with me.

I can't call it writers block as I'm not writing anything creative here...LOL.  So, I've spent some time on my Bread ~N~ Butter blog posting recipes.  It's mildly creative of me and I don't have to think so much.  Thinking makes my head hurt.  But anyway...

I should be getting my buttons that I ordered from Biohazard (visit her cool blog please) soon.  I'm excited.  I really love the owl.  And for some extra excitement today I think I will go to the Avon website and order some more mascara as I'm running out.

(Click the link below to continue reading this post.)
How's that for exciting????  Hmmm.....

Well, anyhow, since I still seem to be at a loss of interesting or fabulous things to say I will end this post to spare you the pain of reading any further!

But before I go, here's something for you to read...


Once my lover; now he's gone
Into my sorrows he has drawn
He didn't stay, but ran away
I am strong and will not break
A broken heart is better in pieces
Than not having one to feel at all
And all around me; fading memories...

Regrets; I have one
Sadly, I wish I had none
Falling into the arms of uncertainty
Into dreams that are more broken than my own
I cannot fix them; I cannot mend
My free spirit I will defend
Before me is my future...

Rambling thoughts; I have my own
I try to block out the quiet drone
I lift my head and I finally see
The strength that was hiding inside of me
It emerges from where it was void.
Words unspoken fall onto this canvas
To be heard once more...

~ K Marie

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