Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3-09-2011 Wednesday ~Twitter Timline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution

3-09-2011 Wednesday ~Twitter Timline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Thursday, March 10, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate Mother Earth!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
<+>Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family<+>Pray for All the Liberators of Mother Earth! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
Echo: Flashbacks on the Chicano Movement @Peta_de_Aztlan:
@Pamaque_tribe LINK: Sacramento Native American Health Center: ~Meetings & Activities.
I believe people are becoming more serious ~not so much in a somber way ~but loving enough to take life seriously.
RT @BJTuininga: Rapid City, South Dakota, the nearest town of size that could provide employment, is120 miles from the Reservation.
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Gaddafi gets weaker every day he fails to take a city; every day he has to fall back closer to Sirt... #Libya
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: And every day revolutionaries ability to raise troops, arm them, motivate them, and supply them improves... #Libya
@Pamaque_tribe That is where my heart is at in Aztlán ~though my heart embraces and encircles all peoples of all lands.
And Leonard Peltier is still caged!
@Pamaque_tribe Lots of Spiritual Powers stirring and shifting. We need to break bread together.
@Laura_Molina Many tribes ~One Mother Earth ~I am of the Lost Tribe of Chicanos! Apache-Yaqui bloodline.
@Rotivation I got my ideas. Think enough people do not draw proper conclusions from just the News. Need Analysis of News.
@Pamaque_tribe Share your own Tweets. Where is your heart at? I know of Sister Betty @BJTuininga ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Rotivation Wonder what the hell the CIA-FBI and DHA have on all of us?!?! They know I am out here. Beyond paranoia these days.
The Pamaque Tribe of Texas stands in solidarity & support of the Tongva, Juaneno, and Luiseno Tribal Nations.
I just hope those I Follow keep their Tweets generally relevant, rational and meaningful. OK OK OK... kinda sorta rational.
I'm shifting my Twitter emphasis again ~away from Reporting News via Twitter ~more into strategy, tactics and techniques.
@Rotivation Saw that earlier about Richest Mexican-Man in the world. Sure he has lots of friends!
@Rotivation Am on a Forced Sabbatical. Hope to get back into the economy soon. Working on a miracle.
RT @TheEntertainer: Be ONE with the ONENESS, and wear clean underwear, because you never know.
@Rotivation Well at least I will not be affecting the Billionaire count. Lucky i got my Food Stamps via EBT Card today!
RT @Rotivation: RT @DanteBello: There are 1210 Billionaires in the world - 210 inrease - China has a major increase of 64Billionaires.
@ungaro Especially when those who are 'normally' trusted go bad: police officers, firemen, pastors, teachers etc.
@ungaro At least they caught his ass, ~Hate when those abuse authority under color of law.
@INTLRevolver I think about what stirs people, triggers events, spurs actions. It is not facts and figures alone.
@swellyn Dalai Lama said that long ago.. He can't resign being who he is and he knows that. Study his history. He is still the Dalai.
@INTLRevolver I know I know. Why do events have to get worse before people wake up to make it better? How many genocide wars?
Sometimes only my humane spiritual principles keep me in check ~from losing my temper ~from losing my cool ~from blowing it
@INTLRevolver Who cares about countries with no great natural resources? OIL and other Natural Resources. Who cares about poor folks?
@INTLRevolver Amerikans in the USA think they are exceptional ~the center of the world, if not the cosmos. Very nationalistic.
@INTLRevolver I think of my here in Sacramento, California in the United States of AmeriKKKa. So many Amerikans do not care.
@INTLRevolver Maybe that is where stuff starting going bad, when we stopped caring about others unless it impacted our lives.
@INTLRevolver We need to have at least a global consciousness about all people of all lands, if not a cosmic consciousness.
@INTLRevolver What Amerikans cared about the People of Libya before, esp. the masters of Das Kapital?!? No folks paying more for gas.
@INTLRevolver So many cannot rise above low selfish patriotic nationalism. U.S. & Europe mainly care about OIL ACCESS from Libya.
@INTLRevolver I am glad I'm not alone in my feelings. So many locals around here really don't give a damn. I am so alienated from Amerika.
RT @hrw: Angola: Intimidation Campaign to Stop Protest
RT @democracynow: Yemeni Police Attack Protesters in Capital City of Sana’a; 50+ people wounded. #yemen
RT @SVE13: The Aries stellium (Mercury, Jupiter & Uranus) enables the sheer energy, enthusiasm and urgency nee… (cont)
VIA @Ghonim: We got rid of the dictator who was ruling us, now we need to get rid of the dictator that is within everyone of us. #FreeSpeech
It gets to be a drag reporting about tragic news events, especially in Libya these days. Imagine ill-equipped liberation fighters.
8:55 PM ~OK. Criminal Minds is over. It ended on a good note ~Mother and Daughter re-united despite differences.
Ill Gov. Quinn signs death penalty ban, commutes 15 death row sentences to life:
@drlouann Existentially I feel 'guiltier' about not being employed 8 Hours a day these days. Work on Self-Esteem.
OK. Tell the kids to go play in the alley! Watching Criminal Minds!
@rachaelmaddox Thanks for definition of BUBBY= Grandma. Spanish it is Abuela or we called my Grandma NANA.
@rachaelmaddox Depends on criteria and definition of spirituality. It's just a list. I ain't tripping on it. Not worth a relapse! ;->~~
@rachaelmaddox It is a great group ~have heard of many ~read some ~but it is going to be limited by its very nature.
@rachaelmaddox You bothered to count women. How many real Chicanos?! None! 48+ million Latinos in USA.
@rachaelmaddox Watkins Established over 100 years ago ~one of world's oldest and leading independent bookshops specialising in esoterica
@Masriyah25 Formula: Concentration on Coordination of Communication ~Direction, Discipline, Determination ~Global, Local, Virtual
RT @indigenous_news: Police prepare to break Perry Ridge protest camp
The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People:
RT @lindahollier: RT @DavidHolzmer Watkins Review - The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People
@Masriyah25 I feel ya... feel so powerless over so much. Let us not forget #ClimateChange #Egypt #Libya #SaveBradley #WI #Afghan #Amazon
Libyan leader Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi has “tens of billions” in cash secretly hidden away in Tripoli:
#Libya Hoard of Cash Lets Qaddafi Extend Fight -
On Libya, Obama willing to let allies take the lead:
#Libya uprising: West not ready to intervene in Libya -
RT @greencardatty: A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew. - Herb Caen
RT @democracynow: Talk increases in Wisconsin for a general strike after anti-union vote. See our 3/1 segment
@ESTHEROLogie I dig Criminal Minds ~not exactly for little children with family eating popcorn (unless its buttered). ;->~~
RT @bellasoulmusic: The bella soul Daily is out! Top stories via @onpitch @iowavacation @vijayiyer @morsemusings etc.
@starZship We cannot even calculate the spirit-psyche damage done by corporate capitalism upon jobless hopeless people.
Bradley Manning Now "Catatonic"; Obama ENOUGH! By Ralph Lopez March 09, 2011 "War Is A Crime"
VIDEO 3/05/2011 Echo: Bradley Manning: 22 New Charges with Possibility of Death Penalty:
@savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning by Peta_de_Aztlan
Do you care about war crimes? Don't forget Bradley Manning: Exposing war crimes is not a crime! #FreeManning
@savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning
by Peta_de_Aztlan
‘There will be consequences’ for Manning’s mistreatment, Rep. @Dennis_Kucinich warns Sec. Gates #FreeManning
@savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning by Peta_de_Aztlan
Pvt Manning: Is Army Aping Mafia? by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern #FreeManning
It Takes a Network ~Appreciate STANLEY A. MCCHRYSTAL sharing ~The new frontline of modern warfare:
In both Afghanistan and Iraq, it became clear to me... to defeat a networked enemy we had to become a network ourselves.
When facing the enemy, you estimate its tactical strength and intuit its planned strategy. ~
It Takes a Network ~The new frontline of modern warfare.BY STANLEY A. MCCHRYSTAL:
#Arab Revolutions Through the WikiLeaks Lens | FP: VIA @wikileaks:
Al Jazeera English's "The Stream", Check It Out: VIA @AJEstream: @zari0506
VIDEO Mike Racoon Eyes at Intertribal Friendship House in Oakland, CA VIA @ghostdancer1890:
@ghostdancer1890 Mike Raccoon Eyes by Peta_de_Aztlan
" Native men and women know true love is a gift from the Creator! Don't commit acts of sexual unfathfulness and adultery! Love is a gift! "
@ghostdancer1890 Mike Raccoon Eyes by Peta_de_Aztlan
" Violence and killing is not traditional in Native culture, it is a learned behavior from mainstream society. "
Amnesty Condemns Egyptian Army Over Tahrir Square Protest Breakup: #Egypt VIA @amnesty
@KyraCNN For Lent I am giving up spinach and cabbage as a renegade Catholic. ;->~~
@mflores215 I am trying to get away from all forms of personal possession ~what can I take with me in when I Final Exit?
@mflores215 It is all ours ~anyone should feel free to Favor or Share what anyone else posts up! One #Family ~One #Earth.
@mflores215 Life is such a brief inhale/exhale of breath, Let us share our good love as much as we can. Always too much hate!
@LAmerican OK. I'LL BE WATCHING ;->~~#LATISM With me it will vary or change with post content if #Hashtag Related.
@LAmerican: Let us make Latin American News STRONGER! Suggested Hashtags= #LATISM #LATINOS #CHICANO @ergeekgoddess
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. ~George Carlin VIA @greencardatty:
@Palaestina Voice from Palestine by Peta_de_Aztlan
Gaza has been under a siege for 1364 days. #Gaza #Israel #Egypt #Zionism #Palestine v @LSal92
@conscious4now global-consciousness by Peta_de_Aztlan
4 Killed during International Women's Day | Ivory Coast #globalprotests #ivorycoast #feb17 #libya #egypt #tunisia #oman
@mflores215 Love your Fancy Dancer Avatar ~ #LATISM
@mflores215 We got to be good at seeing through the smoke screens behind why haters hate! Even racism runs deeper in psyche.
#Uranus: We are collectively responding to a deep memory of our ability to steal fire from the gods, for benefit of mankind.
@loripyeICC OK. Clicked Website: Carpinteria, CA 93014-0182
@loripyeICC Where are you centered at on Earth?
#Egypt: End Attacks, Abuse of Protesters VIA @hrw:
Is anti-immigrant stance and Islamophobia just good cover stories for good ol' fashioned White Amerikan Racism?!?
@2011Patriot1775 I agree. BUTTT US Govt has a bloody track record ~should be collective effort. #noflyzone #Libya
Make a decision today to Join Life! Get involved in a progressive local group or political party! Seek and ye shall find!
8 Ways to Boost Your Will Power VIA @beliefnet:
ATF, DOJ Launch Damage Control Effort Over Growing Project Gunrunner Scandal -
#Mexico arrests man linked to U.S. agent's death -
#Mexico's February Auto Production Rises 16% On Year -
@Masriyah25 Yes, we need to respect the intelligence of our Flowers AKA Followers.
Tweet to Self: Make sure to check plastic bags in refrigerator ~avoid creating new alien lifeforms therein. ;->~~
@NTewfik It is a matter of consciousness in balance: cosmic, global, local and within our own spiritual essence.
@NTewfik We need to be aware of global events as we take a close look at our own situation. Are your neighbors hungry?!?
#LIBYA What are pros and cons of a no-fly zone over Libya? -
» / Markets / US - Wall Street falls amid turmoil in Libya:
#UN Investigating Allegations of Torture in Libya | North Africa :
US Stocks Wobble As Libya Uncertainty Keeps Market Uneasy -
#Libya Turns Oil Rally From Nuisance To Threat For World Economy -
#Libyan rebels call for support from U.S., allies -
#Libya Greek official: Libyan jet flies to Egypt:
@ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement by Peta_de_Aztlan
Zawia is still in the hands of the people #Libya #Feb17 #gaddaficrimes
#Egypt The Other Side of Tahrir Square - :
#Egypt's revolution means nothing if its women are not free~Jumanah Younis
#Egypt’s Cabinet Will Speed Up Moves to Redeploy Police Officers - Bloomberg:
#Egypt At Least 13 Killed in Cairo after Christian-Muslim Clash, Christian News:
@peter_dziedzic To be concerned about #EGYPT is not the same as constant worry. I have my hands filled being in the USA!
@peter_dziedzic I am not worried at all about #EGYPT and ~after all~ the people who in the past built pyramids!
@swellyn Too many people look for cheap answers to life that they must seek and discover for themselves. That's the fun!
There has been no thorough revolution in #Egypt yet ~though a foundation has been laid for further revolutionary developments.
Revolution is a process ~capitalism was revolutionary when it overthrew feudalism ~socialism was revolutionary when it overthrew capitalism.
#EGYPT Christian-Muslim clashes in Egypt kill 13 ~wounded about 140:
@swellyn My style is to be free, open and flowing ~in a way no style. I am here to learn and share what tidbits I can with others.
NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Resigns After Board Decides She Should Go:
10:50 AM ~I am unemployed right now. Am interested in Counseling ~Progressive Recovery ~Open to New Experiences ~Sacramento Area
To @swellyn and All Flowers ~Will respond to Direct Mentions and Pertinent Questions. Avoid Information Overload.
@WendiRackers309 Yes and have posted several times about it. Thank you! #Whistler
@swellyn I am just interested in local positive minded and good spirited people in the Sacramento area.
@swellyn I don't have Lists ~only a private one for hard core subversives who are into revolutionary consciousness.
FYI: @Peta_de_Aztlan= Peta is Pachuco for 'a rope hard to cut’ + Aztlan is Nahuatl word for U.S. southwest
@TheChristineDay Christine Day by Peta_de_Aztlan
None of us are alone. Become aware of the spiritual energies around you and begin open up to the support that is here for you.
@TheChristineDay Christine Day by Peta_de_Aztlan
You can receive intuitive guidance from an aspect of your Self through your connection to your heart. Open your heart.
@swellyn Hi! Following you for now. I want to build up a positive network of people here where I live in Sacramento. Need to work local.
Countless millions of dead fish found floating in Redondo Beach harbor:
#Psychiatry has devolved from personalized therapy to shameless drug dealing:
Echo: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." ~Hamlet Act 1:Scene 5
Knock over your icons, abandon your gurus, fire your sponsors, lose your guides and trust yourself.
Write your book, sing your song, dance your dance, love your love and strive to live in harmony with all of life.
For all your ranting and raving, have you not noticed that the sun shines upon us all and we all have our shadows?
Echo to yourself that we are all one family of humanity ~each a precious drop in the ocean of life among all living beings.
Be the center of your cosmos, but you are not the center of mine. Make a conscious effort to be humble and humane today.
If you have not noticed, before you came into it the world got along without you and it can get along without you again.
Go out into the world today with a pocketful of seeds ~scatter your seeds to the four winds ~let nature do what nature does.
Get rid of always having to be right, always having the last word, always being the center of attention.
Why worry about how to overthrow the government if you can't even overthrow your own character defects!!!
Overthrow ~your individualism ~your sexism ~your nationalism ~your racism ~all of your negativism. Live life here now.
The quintessence of life is so so simple. Love the people as you love yourself. Help others all you can. Keep it simple!
After you go ~and you will go! ~what will you leave behind? How will future generations know you even lived? Ponder that!
You will see it is not about 'us' and 'them'. It is about your divine connection with the Creator of your comprehension.
Always in life people will come and go ~Walk in and out of portals and doorways ~Heed your own calling and respond to it.
On #Twitter do not worry about how many Followers you have or not. You will see it does not matter. Follow your heart!
As we seek justice in the external world ask yourself: Have I been just to myself? Have I served myself with justice?
Learn to appreciate the hard times you may be going through right now. Hard times help to strengthen our character.
Remember to clean your own house ~Wipe the dust off ~Wash the dishes ~Clean the mirror ~Take out the trash!
Do a Daily Personal Inventory ~take stock of your assets and liabilities. Set your priorities straight. Work on you!
If there is no Liberation Movement in your local area it is because you have not started one! Get busy! Go to work!
Join the People's Liberation Movement wherever you are upon Mother Earth. Get involved with connected reality!
We must do so much more than post Tweets with Links. We must take our positions in the battlefields of life out there!
Let us not confuse our individual experience with great universal truth. Be humble in learning, good at remembering.
What are you fully committed to in life? What are you willing to fight for and if need be to die for? What is your cause?
Let your spirit guide you, listen with full attention to your own spirit. Mind is highly overrated and often foolish.
What motivates you? What spurs you to take action? What drives you to keep on going when you feel like giving up?
All that you seek in desperation in the external world first seek within your own soul. Are buried treasures hidden therein?
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." ~Hamlet Act 1:Scene 5
Peter S. Lopez
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
If you are young take the time to listen to wise Elders with honor and respect. Learn from their life experiences.
Revolution begins within ~topple your tyrants ~overthrow your character defects ~work on your Spiritual Liberation.
Let us pray for the successful completion of the Egyptian Revolution ~if you are not there work on Revolution where you are!
Learn to live with ambiguity, contradictions and many gray ares about matters you are not really sure about. Keep searching.
Read and listen with an open mind ~learn to accept life on life's term ~love people just they are without fixing them.
Let us pray that we let our spirits guide us, listen to our intuition and open our minds to new revelations.
Let us pray that we have the presence of mind to have an attitude of gratitude in our lives today. Be thankful.
Let us pray that we use social media to share our truths, engage in dialogue and search for common ground.
Let us pray that revelations are given to our leaders that will inspire to lead with the power of truth and a humble heart.
Let us pray for Peace on Earth and not lose sight of our long-term goals in all the huff and puff of the world.
Let us look in our souls without fear and discover what secrets we hide from our minds that dwell therein.
Let us pray for better understanding about what is going on in the world and not jump to conclusions.
Let us pray for a positive, practical and productive day for all of us. Humpday=Wednesday.
<+>Wednesday, March 09, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate Mother Earth!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
#EGYPT Still Fighting in Cairo: #Jan25 VIA @YallaChica
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

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