Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3-01-2011 Tuesday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Peaceful Revolution


3-01-2011 Tuesday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Peaceful Revolution
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family<+>Blessed Are the Peacemakers! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peta_de_Aztlan AKA Peter S. Lopez
FYI: @Peta_de_Aztlan= Peta is Pachuco for 'a rope hard to cut’ + Aztlan is Nahuatl word in reference to U.S. southwest
@quantumactivist The Quantum Activist by Peta_de_Aztlan
Local dynamics produce macroscopic possibility from which consciousness may choose.
@dr_suessio Eduardo Choza by Peta_de_Aztlan
Are you ready to help families affected by autism? Take the time to check out my 2011 LA walk page, we need your help. http://bit.ly/hVKSzu
@unido1931 Buy 'em books, take 'em to the library. they end up chewing on the corners in the calles. ;->~~
@unido1931 Will do. Linking up with some ol' viejos via Facebook. Gotta go back and re-educate the vatos.
Existence of Amerikan Empire precludes existence of any truly independent nation under its imperial power ~ nationalism illusionary.
Official website of the Brown Beret National Organization: http://bit.ly/f2Z3nG
Statement of Affiliation David Sanchez and Carlos Montes December 6, 2010: http://bit.ly/grdMc1
@unido1931 I'm doing a little research for an upcoming article. Just sharing few things that pop up. @Peta_de_Aztlan
1/21/2011 Statement on Chicano Nationalism ~by Jeronimo Blanco, BBNO: http://bit.ly/hOnfEi #CHICANO
RT @andersoncooper: Brking news - nytimes rpts #libya opposition may request un backed airstrikes against govt targets. Details #ac360 10p
FYI: Chicano! History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement.Video.1996: http://bit.ly/hUeYej
#LIBRO: Chicano Novels and the Politics of Form: Race, Class, and Reification: by Marcial Gonzalez: http://amzn.to/hZwpnt
@Marcial_G Forgive. Are you related to the Prof. of same name? Doing research right now. @Peta_de_Aztlan
Flashback! 1996 Critiques of Nationalism and Contemporary Chicano Literature: http://bit.ly/i6m7zx
Oklahoma House panel backs comprehensive anti-illegal immigration measure: ttp://bit.ly/fVRJez #AmnestyNow
@starZship 9:35 PM ~Heck I saw on Alien Channel that you all would devour humans too in a pinch. Iguanas would be snack! ;->~~
Flashback! El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán: http://bit.ly/fY005y
FYI: Chicano nationalism: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://bit.ly/fsj2Wg ~I'm going somewhere with this.
@beinglatino BeingLatino by Peta_de_Aztlan
Letter to CBS President Leslie Moonves http://fb.me/VkZoW2XX
@TheSingleWoman TheSingleWoman™ by Peta_de_Aztlan
Remember: If life is a journey, taking your luggage is fine..but leave your BAGGAGE behind! :o) #TheSW
Are you financially literate? -by Nicolle Morales Kern: http://bit.ly/fkovzB VIA @beinglatino #LATISM
Image Moon Calendar for March 2011 ~ http://bit.ly/gYKBi7
#Moon Phases for March 2011 ~March 1, 2011~From Auntie Moon: http://bit.ly/gdg839
#SACRAMENTO Calendar MARCH 2011 for Sacramento Native American Health Center: http://bit.ly/gcFfFi
Chaos at Libyan-Tunisian border: UN says 140,000 people have fled the revolt aimed at toppling Gadaffy: http://bit.ly/gipcZN
@RayGeming Appreciate LINK: http://bit.ly/fgxlfH ~BUTT It is Old Vanguard ideology that needs revamping > http://help-matrix.ning.com/
Reply to Letter on the Section "Minority and Formerly Oppressed Nationalities": http://bit.ly/fgxlfH Tweeted VIA @RayGeming
Chicano nationalism is no longer tenable as a socio-political theory, though it did stir many in late 60s and early 70's.
1970 ~Excerpt from "Chicano Nationalism: The Key to Unity for La Raza" by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzdes: http://anse.rs/gTDa9T
#BRAZIL Guarani Indian Leader Marcos Veron killers convicted of kidnapping and torture: http://bit.ly/g6V9yM #Native
@gracealera Juarez= most dangerous city in the world for sudden random violence out of nowhere killing innocent gente.
A reform is a correction of abuses; a revolution is a transfer of power. ~E.G. Bulwer-Lytton
All civilization has from time to time become a thin crust over a volcano of revolution. ~Havelock Ellis
Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want rain without thunder and lightning. ~Frederick Douglass
#QUOTE The sin of silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. ~Abraham Lincoln
At least 16 killed in Brazilian pre-Carnival party ~power line burst over party truck, electrocuting revelers: http://bit.ly/ft23O7
Alleged iguana meat seized at Texas-Mexico border ~want a tamale?: http://bit.ly/i6Kxpt ~Is it a crime?
@gracealera Gracias for RT! We are one family under the skin under the same sun. ~it's not New Age hocus-pocus ~it is true.
#DrugWar Ciudad Juarez, Mexico state to aid drug-war orphans: http://wapo.st/gUkBQu #HELP
#DrugWar ICE announces 678 drug gang and cartel arrests: http://bit.ly/et3NC8
No matter what we call ourselves on an individual level, let us remember that we are one family upon one planet we call Mother Earth.
It is my birthright to be here now! http://bit.ly/hiqgEq
A Chicano is of a lost tribe who has been abandoned by his Mother Country of Mexico yet is still not fully accepted into American society.
Any Left-Wing VERSUS Right-Wing thinking is mentally off-balance. The Body of Truth is in the Center, not on a wing.
Center of Liberated Consciousness keeps a conscious balance between Left-Wing adventurism and Right-Wing opportunism.
@quantumactivist The Quantum Activist by Peta_de_Aztlan
Mind has been rediscovered in science as an independent entity from brain; it's purpose is to process meaning.
@quantumactivist The Quantum Activist by Peta_de_Aztlan
Flow is when the dance dances you.
@quantumactivist The Quantum Activist by Peta_de_Aztlan
Biological macroevolution proceeds through creative quantum leaps where a species transforms into a novel species.
VIA @ergeekgoddess: Latinos in Social Media #LATISM has 3 conferences this year! Read about them here: http://conference.latism.org/
Class is dismissed… Psyche!: http://bit.ly/h4bThH VIA @kiki416 ~Great use of Video for Educational Purpose
#LIBYA VIA Gulf News Official puts toll in Libya at 6,500 killed: http://bit.ly/g9orY1 ~Ghadaffy mad dog must be put down!
@TheCAguilera We still love you! Keep up the good work ~take care of your greatest wealth= your health.
@Juanofwords Juan Alanis by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Pancho Villa...should be played by a Mexican, not some mug from Kentucky" -Johnny Depp #latism http://bit.ly/ewSGUt
#Tweeters! Expand your #Twitter Experience ~check out features > http://hootsuite.com/dashboard
Music Video ~3:30~ Nouvelle Vague - A Forest: http://bit.ly/CckzT VIA @morsemusings: ~Listen, See, Be!
@RFUK Question: What practical help can we give from here now inside the United States in local areas? #HELP
RT @RFUK: Audience comment: the mega dams that are being built will also open up indigenous areas to mining activities. #rfukdam
@luzchavezb I hereby confess I am a #News #Junkie too! Let us advocate Literacy, Internet Power and Mass Education! #LATISM
@uruknet US Govt did not give a damn about people of #Libya before! Amerikan Empire is salivating over the OIL!
RT @uruknet: No to imperialist intervention in #Libya http://bit.ly/gLOkkZ
RT @uruknet: Spanish Court Gives Go-Ahead for #Guantanamo Torture Investigation to Continue http://bit.ly/e19twz #humanrights
RT @uruknet: #Gaza Protesters Prepare for March 15 http://bit.ly/igQryo
@ergeekgoddess Now is the time for us to come together as a unique people ~La Raza Cosmica ~Latinos ~Chicanos etc. #LATISM
@KadenaTate I've been pretty good ~struggling each day ~trying to help raise consciousness in my little way ~labor of love.
#SACRAMENTO Voter Registration and Elections ~ Become a Precinct Officer: http://bit.ly/hSi87o #Register #Vote
@RFUK Hope you all are energizng and that you are making Video/s for later distribution using Internet Power. #LATISM
VIA @wikileaks: #WikiLeaks at the Forefront of 21st-Century Journalism http://is.gd/UcfdTk ~Support People's Journalism!
Who knew? 2010 U.S. Census showed Latino/Hispanic population in Waterloo, Iowa more than doubled since 2000 from 1,806 to 3,827
#IOWA Diverse opportunities: Latino population shift alters Cedar Valley business climate: http://bit.ly/fmEkdX #LATISM
#LATISM LINK: Latino Network: http://www.latnet.org/ ~Cultivating Power of Latino Community
RT @socialistworker: Multiculturalism: Defending the right to be different http://goo.gl/fb/JXYIZ #UNITE
VIDEO 3:49 ~2/15/2011~ 2011 Volunteer Innovation Award - Latino Network: http://bit.ly/gCzryY #LATISM
RT @ungaro: Help save US #PublicBroadcasting! Call Senators! Switchbrd 877-210-5351 / (202)224-3121. Senators MAY need yr zip code. #RT
#LATISM Growing leaders for Oregon's booming Latino population: http://bit.ly/eFQ0nH ~Educate, Evolve, Expand
@KadenaTate Pray all is well with you and your loved ones today. We should strive to combine spirituality with practicality.
#DENVER Latinos rally at Capitol ~education a ‘human right’: http://bit.ly/hy2Sy8 #LATISM
Meet Urban Latino: The New Hyphy? ~local musicians tap into international trend: http://bit.ly/hYae4F #LATISM
#LATISM Hispanic-Owned Businesses Growning Across Kansas City ~Video/Text: http://bit.ly/h9gXgN ~New word?
VIA @RFUK: Chief Almir Narayamoga Surui: "We are together speaking for the future of humanity - building this together." #Rainforest
"Be the one drop of energy expression that changes everything. It is possible." ~VERONICA
Forge ahead hand in hand with your soulful energy. Express those moments of the canvas of your own life. Everything is connected.
#SACRAMENTO New Latino network on Comcast ~Channel 478: http://bit.ly/hckuYo #LATISM
Create time with your soul. Practice random acts of kindness whenever possible. ~Veronica
Participate simply. Be attentive to the whispers of your soul. Your involvement in this raising of consciousness is crucial. ~Veronica
The internal relationship to your own soul is the best path to take in this chaotic time-frame. ~Veronica
VIA @RFUK: Very busy room tonight ~Amnesty International http://tinyurl.com/4dnlh9t - great to see Peru Ambassador arrived. #AmnestyNow
The greatest desire is to reach a place of peace and tranquility. ~Veronica: http://www.innerwhispers.org/
Yes the physical reality is in transition. What direction it takes is dependent upon the energy participation of each and every one of you.
#SEE RT @commondreams: $1.2 Trillion: The National Security Figure No One Wants You To See http://ow.ly/45HDP
@DennyCoates Some quotes are timeless wisdom and worth echoing lest we forget their gems in our consciousness.
#LIBYA Qaddafi Makes Little Headway in Assault on Libyan Rebels: http://nyti.ms/fMupNL #LiberationNow
@derekmarkham Derek Markham by Peta_de_Aztlan
Find Your Passion and Know if it Can Make You Cash (before you start) http://bit.ly/gkcGkk
@derekmarkham Derek Markham by Peta_de_Aztlan
Technology Will Make Collaboration Your Next Competitive Advantage http://bit.ly/hwJrXL
Christian Dior Fires Chief Designer John Galliano After Bigotry Complaints: http://nyti.ms/grimbc #FASCISM
Obama’s only real hope is that the Republicans will nominate a radically unacceptable right winger in 2012. by @DeepakChopra
@DennyCoates Yes, each of us should be faithful to a worthy cause ~heed our calling in life ~fulfill our inspired mission.
RT @Carlolight: The consciousness of each of us is evolution looking at itself and reflecting upon itself. - Teilhard de Chardin
Followers/Co-Creators: Will try to respond to questions best I can while online. Question authority! Cast off gurus!
@KadenaTate Join Up! Humane-Liberation-Party via Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~or another progressive party.
@Jaylu I am concerned about the gullibility and vulnerability of people ~coupled with the vice of apathy. #FASCISM
2/28/2011 #READ Welcome to the Rorschach President VIA @DeepakChopra: http://bit.ly/gsVBJ7
@ThinkMexican Think Mexican by Peta_de_Aztlan
Cuauhtemoc was captured on August 13, 1521 and later tortured and killed by Hernán Cortés on February 28, 1525.
@Jaylu Valdez c/s by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Anyone who can touch you, can hurt you or heal you. Anyone who can reach you, can love you or leave you..."
@TheDailyLove Mastin Kipp by Peta_de_Aztlan
All things flow to the humble heart. #TDL
@gofiliberto Filiberto Gonzalez by Peta_de_Aztlan
Get free pancakes at any IHOP in U.S. today! Whatever you give goes directly to the Children's Miracle Network (@CMNHospitals). Please RT!
@RFUK RainforestFoundation by Peta_de_Aztlan
Cancun climate summit Forests agreement includes social & environmental safeguards but bigger questions remain. http://tinyurl.com/25x93lj
@RFUK RainforestFoundation by Peta_de_Aztlan
The International Year of Forests launches today http://tinyurl.com/65jpyjt
@RFUK RainforestFoundation by Peta_de_Aztlan
Stop The Dams photo & statement from this morning's press day with the indigenous leaders & Bianca Jagger http://tinyurl.com/6xnu3xm Pls RT!
@indigenous_news Ahni by Peta_de_Aztlan
Alert: Indigenous Protesters Taken Hostage Following Peaceful Protests in Guatemala http://is.gd/xTUL83
@gozamos Gozamos.com by Peta_de_Aztlan
#reading Obama Links Immigration Overhaul in 2010 to G.O.P. Backing - NYTimes.com: http://nyti.ms/hfLCYu #latism
@NewsHour NewsHour by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @frontlineczct: The latest updates from Tehran, at @TehranBureau http://to.pbs.org/fXnQ07
@ojosilegales Fco Elias P Angela R by Peta_de_Aztlan
@ojosilegales Fco Elias P Angela R by Peta_de_Aztlan
@Jaylu Many people online have short attention spans ~often suffer from unconscious ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
@Jaylu Be aware of how mass corporate media captures attentions with headlines ~distracts us from other key events.
@Myshkin9 Great shifts in relationships between powers are now happening in the world. Try to see Big Picture. #Earth
@Myshkin9 Did not spot Article before ~developing events ~found it interesting: http://bit.ly/eLNywa #EGYPT #USA
#PERU's Pakitzapango Mega-Dam: Wild Rivers and Indigenous Peoples at Risk: http://bit.ly/i81tJb #HELP
Recall: Opinion ~A revolution against neoliberalism? by 'Abu Atris' 2-24-2011: http://bit.ly/eLNywa #EGYPT #USA
#YEMEN leader blames protests on US ~President Saleh accuses US and Israel of destabilising country: http://bit.ly/g9ElMb
@The_Thunderbolt Correct. Social Revolution is a dynamic process ~not permanent ~stages ~powers ~changes ~relations
@Lorine_Cathy Bizarre! Electronic Cigarette: http://bit.ly/5aZWUX ~Think I will stick with my Bugler rolling tobacco!
@Lorine_Cathy Thanks but I do not need any more paraphernalia. I am more concerned about hard-core addiction: heroin, crack, meth.
@joanie399 Voter #APATHY in #CHICAGO and across the land is key reason why our corporate-ruled democracy is broken. #VOTE
@optumussPRIMEE As a recovered dope fiend from 'meth' and 'booze' I know there are many forms of addiction: tobacco, caffeine etc.
#CHICAGO Has 2.6 million people ~ONLY 1.4 million Registered to VOTE ~ONLY 593,156 Voted ~42% of Registered Voters Elected Mayor Rahm
3/01/2011 Will people with a conscious please stand up? by @gozamos: http://bit.ly/dMuXaK VIA @ergeekgoddess: #VOTE #LATISM
Rest assured. This is not mere left-wing paranoia. Amerikan Fascism is 'in power and secure'. Stay alert ~ Stay alive!
VIDEO 2:38 ~5/14/2008 ~REAL ID CARD TRUTH!!! http://bit.ly/enIiCN ~Check out: http://bit.ly/ijurVb #FASCISM
@AboveTopSecret AboveTopSecret by Peta_de_Aztlan
In less than 90 days, you will be REQUIRED by Federal Law to carry a National ID card. (31 flags) http://dlvr.it/Hvnrz
VIA @GaianCollective: Avocado comes from Mexica "Ahuacuatl " ~means testicle tree & does improve fertility. http://bit.ly/grpCF2 #LATISM
VIA @commondreams: Story of #CitizensUnited v. FEC: Why #Democracy Only Works When People Are in Charge http://ow.ly/45COd #peoplepower #p2
RT @ergeekgoddess: WEPA! “@chela816: RT @luzchavezb: Women's History Month starts today! Que vivan las mujeres hoy y siempre! #latism
VIA @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! http://bit.ly/cJ0SK3 Top stories via @starseed52 @peta_de_aztlan @intentdotcom
Let us pray for all who suffer from the affliction of any form of addiction by overcoming denial and spiritual healing.
Let us pray that we use Social Media to foster mutual understanding among all people of Mother Earth! #LATISM
Let us pray for the people of Arabia and North Africa ~that Liberation Movements march forward as peaceful as possible.
Let us pray that we all march forward in unity in the Month of March ~advance our Liberated Consciousness together.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-28-2011 Monday ~Twiiter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution: http://bit.ly/hYGz6j ~SAVE TWEETS!
#Venezuelan Presiden Chavez proposes talks for Libya ~US and other powers weigh military options: http://bit.ly/eKRRmb
RT @Ghonim: Revolution 2.1 is launching. We want all the corrupted officials out of the government and critical positions. #Jan25
Welcome to Our New Followers! Let us be Co-Creators of Consciousness. Help friends get online. Invite others to Join #Twitter.
On Being A Chicano de Aztlán @Peta_de_Aztlan Posted on February 28, 2011: http://wp.me/prH9G-36 #LATISM
Peta_de_Aztlan AKA Peter S. Lopez
<+>Tuesday, March 01, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate the Day!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
#REVOLUTION #READ ~2/24/2011~ In the Middle East protests, a seismic shift by Fareed Zakaria: http://bit.ly/h6IDGL
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

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Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/

Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan

Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/


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