Friday, October 9, 2009

Re: Indigenous Peoples Day

Gracias Sister Kelly ~ We had a pow-wow the other week here in Sacramento. In a way we are all natives ~ indigenous to our own natural lands ~ all of one planet we call Mother Earth.

Seek to be unified within your own consciousness, at peace with your own beingness and know that the Creator is naturally loving, forgiving and responds to our heartfelt feelings and true emotions.

Every day should be indigenous People's Day. In these troubled times of spiritual sickness, mental confusion and unmet survival needs for many across these lands let us all come together as one, seeking oneness without being naive and struggling together in order to build a brave new world where people love, work and play together.

In our forgiveness let us also learn to forgive ourselves for being less than perfect, forgive the descendants of those cruel ones who caused us harm in the past and get over our own sadness because we appreciate the joys of being alive here now ~ with all its tests, trials and temptations.

We should continue to keep in mind the necessity of demanding FREEDOM for OUR BROTHER LEONARD PELTIER and freedom for all who are caged in Amerika without true justice being served.

We live in the real world where there are on-going troubles and tragedy, yet let all this not blind us to the good in us and let us see the potential good we can do to help others, raise consciousness and bring people together in unity!

Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email: 
Come Together! Join Up! Seize the Time!

From: Kelly La Sha <>
Sent: Thu, October 8, 2009 11:31:44 AM
Subject: Indigenous Peoples Day

Indigenous Peoples Day

  October 12, 2009

I would like to share my passion for a project that is very dear to my heart. There has been a horrific genocide to the Native Peoples of the land we inhabit today. The many years of the torture that they have endured still inflicts immense pain upon the generations alive today. It is time for a collective acknowledgment of the true history of our people so that we may collectively heal these trespasses.

As we inform ourselves of the truth of our history, our guilt, shame, blame, resentment and pain can surface to heal with our intent. Apology and Forgiveness is a very powerful healing tool for this cultural wound that we carry... and impose upon the earth.

For four years now I have been attending my local Indigenous Peoples Day Celebrations (replacing the celebration of Columbus Day). I usually walk about invisibly and speechless, choking back my tears of empathy and guilt. This year I have decided to be more proactive with my feelings of apology and attend in active prayer with the healing frequency of apology in my heart. A more forward and collective Peoples Apology is long overdue.

So I ask those of you who share the same love of our Mother Earth and her people, to attend your local Indigenous Peoples Day gatherings with an apology or a forgiveness to offer from your depths of empathy. 

There is so much rich wisdom within the indigenous cultures that beckon our attention. We need to relearn right relationship with all of our relations, and live our prayer of reverence once again.

I am fortunate that the local Maidu Tribe in my area provides a 4 day celebration including a Salmon Ceremony, a sharing of culture through music, dance and poetry, as well as a panel discussion of elders. If you are local to Nevada City, please come to show your support and appreciation of this culture. Otherwise, attend the local celebrations in your area or say a prayer on this day of honest memory.

For more information: and

Thank you for taking the time to consider the profound potential that we have as a human race to cooperatively heal and care for one another.
In Ayni,
Kelly La Sha
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