Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Read: Thursday Evening from Peta

9-09-2009 @6:35 PM

Thank you for your response Sister Ruth ~  You know I have a tendency towards
OCD and I can get obsessive about reporting the News and have become pretty quick at it. I am usually up early, work hard and stay up late with a few hours of shut eye in between. Plus, being single without children I have more time on my hands and boredom can be a trigger for me if I do not use my time wisely.

I think about you daily, went to the Womens'  Empowerment Graduation this late morning and am watching the President's speech right now. Tomorrow is the Peaceful Rally for Safeground. I saw Sister LIbby this morning.

My Brother Bobby is doing well, staying sober and working closely with SNAC and his recovery sponsor. He is very important to me, dear to my heart and I kind of feel responsible for him because I have been such a big influence on his life, for better and for worse. He always looks up to his Big Brother and sometimes in the past I set a bad example: getting him drunk, smokin' dope and shooting up crank
together with him. I know he is a grown man but I want him to do right because he, the same as many others, has great potential for good or ill.

I have been on Vacation all week and the time passes rapidly. I want us to always be at least friends together come what may in the family of humanity. Sometimes, like family, we can have differences, misunderstand each other and not see eye to eye, but that does not mean that we lose our love and respect for each other.

I need an adult in my life away from my regular work station that I can confide in, get feedback from and ask for advice.

I have had it with the largely unknown mismanagement at Salvation Army, have a whole difference vision on what should be known in relation to the shelter system and bear in mind that I have been in the shelter matrix for over ten years. So I will continue working with homeless people but have keep my options open.

My mission in life is simple: to help the people with all my heart until we are all free, until it prove our making it or my end. I crossed the point of no return decades ago.

I want to see Brother Leonard Peltier set fee in my lifetime while he still has a life to be lived outside of prison. His case has been on of the great injustices and his life one of the great heroic tragedies of our times and of the human history of the human family. One time, years ago when I was in the shelter as a client. a friend of mine found a copy of In the Spirit of Crazy Horse by Peter Matthiessen underneath a house he was working on, in the dirt and he gave it to me. I read it all.

Also while I was there I received a couple of books by Harvey Arden and was really  thrilled that he would be so thoughtful to send them to me while being a client in a homeless shelter.

To free Brother Leonard Peltier we are going to have to work on freeing ourselves, on coming together and freeing the broad masses of the people and at least galvanize a strong liberation movement in the millions in order to create the kind of social-political climate that will set him and many others free. Otherwise I suspect the fascist system would be quite content with him dying out in prison. Thus, we must see the Peltier case in a larger wider context of the fight for freedom for political prisoners in particular, freedom for all poor and oppressed people in general and in the whole liberation process we must also free ourselves of our own character defects, personal shortcomngs and inner demons hiding in the darkness of our souls. 

The President's speech is over... not to hear the fallout from it... I support Obama in the main but am under no illusions as to where he stands in relation to corporate capitalism. In essence, he is pro-corporate capitalism and against openly declaring himself in favor of socialism.

P.S. What is the 'going market rate' for a room with you? Any preferences?


Blessings for Truth, Love and Beauty!
Hermano Peta

From: Ruth Marquez-Washeleski <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 1:13:22 PM
Subject: Thank for the phone call and this update on Buffy, ref.URANIUM!

Sorry Peta,
You caught me in some rough waters as of late.  No work, no $, drepressed. and no free wifi connection at the casia.  Still need a roommate, but I really need going market rate.
You do keep yourself busy!

"May your everyday walking be
'Seated in the midst of the rainbow'

"All human actions
have one
or more
of these
seven causes;
and desire."

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