Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sweet Sunday and Astro Stuff....


Greetings for this Sunny Sunday ~ I was once called an

'incurable romanticist' when I was still a teenager and I

continue to be romantic at heart. I love that song by Diana

Krall ~Face the Music and Dance~ and her too!

I have always had a loving heart and will never stop trying

to find the love or loves of my life. I say 'loves' plural as all

of my previous relationships have failed or not lasted long,

but sometimes it is fun to just fun and frolic in nasty intimacy.

If you are reading this then you too may not have found that

Knight in Shining Armor or your Prince Charming who will just

sweep you off your feet, solve your problems and heal all your

aches and pains, especially in the spiritual realm.

I am into connected reality, am a creative writer, a counselor

by occupation and plan to eventually be financially independent

and tour the world yonder!

Until then I work every day, either at my job site or here in my

sanctuary and am forever searching for love in Sacramento.

I do not indule in booze or dope, though I do smoke rollies and

drink canela coffee {with shreaded cinnamon sticks).

I would like to find a good fine female work out partner and we

can see what comes up... use your imagination!

Anyway, forgive my tendency to ramble when I write. the plague

of many writers but to be creative once must be expressive and

go with the flow.

I am aware that the heavenly bodies, the stars and all, influence

us here on Mother Earth. As above, so below. So I am jsut sharing.

and hope I stimulate a response.

Pixs attached ~ Show me yours and I'll you mine!

My Picasa3 Album ~make one for you!

Let's Come Together and Create!

Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta


Sacramento, California, Aztlan


Daily Cosmic Calendar: Domingo, July 26, 2009

Whenever the Moon moves through Libra, take a good look at your

most important relationships. There is a serious and profound tone

to the psychic atmosphere this morning since the Sun moves 45 degrees

to Saturn (
9:17AM PDT). Learn from experienced teachers and mentors

in your main fields of expertise. Get back on track with important career

plans and ambitions. Once this somewhat caustic and potentially frustrating

aspect begins to dissipate, your creative impulses reverberate - especially

as the Sun forms a flowing trine of 120 degrees to Juno from Leo to Aries (11:21AM PDT).

Take a friend to lunch at a trendy cafe. Visit an art gallery, museum or

national landmark. Go shopping for values at one or more of your favorite

stores. Golden opportunities are suddenly blossoming as the afternoon

morphs into the evening as Venus forms a harmonious trine to Jupiter in

air signs (9:08PM PDT).

This is a terrific alignment if you want to take a great leap forward in business

affairs, educational pursuits, literary endeavors, the fine or graphic arts, and

almost any kind of uplifting work that can bring financial abundance into your life.

Look forward to a bright and cheerful start to your workweek tomorrow as Venus

in Gemini continues its goodwill offensive by forming upbeat liaisons with Chiron

and Neptune in Aquarius.


DailyOM - Scorpio Daily Horoscope

July 26, 2009

Thoughtful Luxuries

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

If you allow yourself to be controlled by your impulses today, you may find yourself overindulging in luxury items. A case of envy, insecurity, or fluctuating self-esteem can convince you that your life will only be truly rich if you fill it with expensive material goods and treat yourself to luxuries you don't need. Impulse purchases, however, may only satisfy you for a short time before leaving you feeling out of control and depressed. Consider that while you likely deserve to treat yourself, not everything that tickles your fancy will lead to lasting happiness. You can fulfill your cravings for luxury by carefully examining both your needs and desires and determining what will bring you long-term satisfaction. You may discover today that the small gifts you give yourself inspire the most profound joy.

When you temper your impulses with rational thought, you'll be able to easily differentiate between momentary desires and what will bring you lasting pleasure. Frequently, we give in to our impulses only to discover that the luxury we thought would add value to our experience brought only a burst of happiness that quickly faded away. What sustains our souls and makes our lives more complete is not always obvious. Thinking carefully about each desire that wells up in your soul can help you determine which will contribute to your long-term well-being and overall fulfillment. Youl empower yourself to surround yourself with beauty and usefulness. As you carefully consider your desires today, you will discover new, more fulfilling ways to pamper yourself.

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