Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Read: A New Age of Ancient Wisdom ~ 7-08-2009


July 8, 2009 @6:26 AM

Gracias for your thoughtful response Sister Kelly ~ sharing is caring...

I already feel open towards you. I myself am a recovered drunk, dope and tramp, but the worst state of being is when I was a tramp ~ though I was so for only a short time it seemed like an endless eternity.

I know what it is to go insane, completely lose one's self-esteem and be a domestic refugee though an American citizen inside the United States inside the capitol of the great State of California in Sacramento. I have had my own version of a 'shaman experience'.

In 1995, after a couple of years of being a strung out and shooting up dope fiend, I ended up homeless wandering the streets, going into the Salvation Army Emergency Shelter and got involved in a Christian recovery group called
CASA ~ Christians Against Substance Addiction ~ which is based upon the original A.A. 12-Steps Program, with a Christian Scripture related to each of the 12-Steps.

We use the Holy Bible: Ancient Eastern Text, by Dr. George M. Lamsa, not the King James version. There are subtle significant differences and we know that Jesus spoke Aramaic.

Related Link:

My personal studies kept leading me deeper and further back in history, plus into other areas of esoteric knowledge.. I know now that we are involved in a vast cosmic spiritual struggle between the bright light of enlightened wisdom and the dreary darkness of ignorance and consider myself a Spiritual Warrior!

I see chemical dependencies as the surface symptoms of deeper unresolved inner spiritual conflicts, acquired character defects and other disorders that haunt the spirit. My general interest is in spiritual healing and my main agenda is a basic humane rights agenda, especially in these chaotic troubled economic times.

We want to reach out to as many people as possible in as many ways that we can. We do not subscribe to anonymity as many other traditional 12-Steps groups do. We were not anonymous in our addiction why should we pretend to be anonymous in our healing? Neither do we sponsor parades with balloons, but we do reject any denial of connected reality.

For us, it all involves self-help, self-acceptance and self-empowerment in harmony with the cosmic consciousness of the Creator.

We believe a basic 12-Steps Program, originally based upon the sound wisdom of the Holy Bible, can be helpful to all peoples, regardless of any religious affiliation or even if they are bald atheists. We are not born-again Christians who did again every week after Sunday mass and we are not fanatics with OCD.

From time to time, without rush, I will write a little article, read it aloud at a CASA Meeting, then blog it on the CASA Blog and the Progressive Recovery Today blog.

Key Links:

As a key part of our healing process we advocate community action and personal involvement in progressive social causes and issues, such as helping the homeless families, some of which may seem controversial to traditionalists. It is objective social circumstances that brought pain, grief and suffering into our existences. Thus, as we continue to work on our spiritual growth we also see the need for 'changing the things we can' in our social environment.

Related Links:

Along the way I have learned from various sources, including Brother Alberto's Four Winds Society. Profound revelations!


I am also involved with the Alliances for a New Humanity and strive to bring about the creation of a new humane society where people love one another, work together, play together and grow in spirit together.

To tell the truth, I did not have an inkling that my life would turn out the way it has. I just wanted to come in from the cold one morning, have a hot cup of fresh black coffee and hopefully be able to grab a donut, then... I sat down and kept still at my first conscious A.A. Meeting years ago.

Now I am a Counselor-Case Worker at the Salvation Army Emergency Shelter here in Sacramento, known locally as the 'Center of Hope'. However, I am proud to consider myself Head Counselor for Camp Chaos (I got promoted by our Janitor Niles when he gave me a donated sweat shirt saying the same). Without a sense of humor we are just not going to make it!

Over the years I have learned not to take myself too seriously. When I want to make God laugh I tell him my long-range plans! Eventually I want to get out of the whole wage-slave syndrome and make a decent living out of writing my heart out. Before I exit from this Earthly existence I want to leave behind a few scribbles written on pressed leaves!

Education for Liberation!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

Yahoo Email:

Cc: Sisters Libby & Victoria


From: Kelly La Sha <>


Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 9:19:30 AM

Subject: Re: A message to Kelly from

Hi Peter,
Great to hear from you! I checked out your blog and it appears you are doing great work in the world. I agree that this new age stuff is actually ancient wisdom. I learned from shamans, the wisdom carriers of the indigenous cultures. I saw that you had the Four Winds on your blog as well. I apprenticed with Alberto Villoldo and even worked for him for a year.
Its nice to connect with you and learn what you are doing. I will put a link to your blog on my site.
Let me know what you think of my book when you read it. I would love to hear more about progressive recover as well.
Blessings my brother,
Kelly La Sha

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 10:17 PM
Subject: A message to Kelly from


Greetings Sister Kelly ~ I am a humane rights activist, am employed at a

Salvation Army Emergency Shelter for homeless refugees in Sacramento

as a Counselor-Caseworker and work with a Christian recovery group called

CASA ~ Christians Against Substance Addiction ~ as my Volunteer Ministry.

I am also an online news reporter as a Moderator for a few progressive

Yahoo Groups.

Plus, I am a creative writer and interesting in learning more in order to

share with others I care about in my life. I love people in general

My main approach to treatment from drug addiction and other disorders

is what I term progressive recovery, which involves working on our sober

recovery on a daily basis, getting involved in progressive community action

and striving towards our true inner spiritual liberty.

I just saw a show with you on Channel 17 about Liquid Mirror and will learn

more about this as time goes by. I am hip to The Secret, What the Bleep

Do We Know and other so-called New Age teachings.

To me, so much New Age stuff is actually ancient wisdom that seems so

new to us yet I suspect so much was already known by the ancients.

I am just initiating contact with you for now and plan to buy and read your

book, especially after seeing this!

Addiction Counseling

Healing addiction is different from changing the behavior of an addict. An addict can stop an addictive behavior without healing the source of the addiction. The purpose of healing the source of an addiction is to fulfill the unmet need that was fueling the addiction in the first place. My private Addiction Counseling program is designed to gently guide you to source and release your core fears. Then we identify what the addiction takes from your enjoyment of life and we strategize a plan to replace your addiction with what feeds your passions in life. With this approach, there is much less suffering and longing that usually occurs with traditional methods of addiction counseling. The end result is true freedom and deep inner peace with the self.


Education for Liberation!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta

Sacramento, California (95814)

Yahoo Email:


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