Monday, July 20, 2009

The most technologically advance employee in all of the Salvation Army?!?.


7-20-09 @6:28 PM ~ Thanks Barbara... Recall: I was suspended one time

over a year ago for unauthorized You Tube Videos of SUCCESSFUL EXITS

of clients after I did an expose of a Probation Officer by an African-American

Client married to a White lady and they had kids together.

He had been at ARC making amends for an old drunk diriving offense. He

was transferred to Sally's Shelter for a time. I just let the client have his

say on You Tube about the P.O. being racist, a Sacramento Public Defender

had asked for my help in his case and he beat getting FIVE YEARS in prison!

I got suspended by Director Elizabeth Hudson after the P.O. called and

complained to her. So any unauthorized such public video connecting

me directly with the Salvation Army could get me fired.

Now this was strange because Larry D. and people in the shelter knew that I

was Video-taping successful exits for about a year hassle free. In fact, I had
gotten several thousand hits!!!

No staff members came to my defense! So much for being family.

So I had to DELETE ALL THE YOU TUBE VIDEOS I DID! This kind of soured me

to the weak way of Elizabeth and my Supervisor Lanette at the time who

backed Elizabeth without even seeing any of the Videos in order to not

be biased she said. So I knew right there I was dealing with either fools or

cowards or both.

I have gotten over it but still cannot FORGET IT as I still do some stuff

online and need to be careful to omit any reference to the Salvation Army.

Way back then, I had done about TWENTY OR SO Interviews wtih SUCCESSFUL
CLIENTS, they loved showng their family and friends. To boot, when the P.O.

called Director Hudson he did so from the County level of government.

In my reprimand, when I almost got fired, Director Hudson put the complainer

as being of the Department of Corrections... STATE LEVEL!

Remember she is Central American down south of the border and wants

her present job to be the one she retires from. I on the other hand want

to get out of the whole employer-employee relationship and be my own

entrepreneur... always the Lord willing with my willingness!

So I have been hip to some Internet stuff for a few years, have several

groups that together can reach thousands with one Email, have several

Blogs and so much more going on. In fact, I am an amateur online news


I am single with no kids and only a few other interests so I have the

time and interest. I do not go to the bars and get drunk with the boys

or go out trying to pick up loose women. Thus, I am kind of a brown

recluse after I get off work at Sally's.

"Writing, at its best, is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the
writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing. He grows in
public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates.
For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face
eternity, or the lack of it, each day." 

~ Hemingway, Ernest y (July 21, 1899 — July 2, 1961)

In fact, one time I had an Open Blog about the Salvation Army that I

thought was cool... but I had to  tuck that down one time when Captain

Brackenberry tried to click the link to see it, was not authoirzed to do so.

and he told Elizabeth about it. If I would of known I would of course let

him view it. It goes into a lot of Salvation Army History and stuff.
So I still got it hidden but it too is kept down by me.

I believe in creative expression in my recovery and spiritual growth and

abhor any form of censorship. I truly believe that the very truth will set us


I practice Scriptures, not just spout them!

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka:
, California,Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

Join the
Alliance for a New Humanity!

From: Barbara Field <>
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:26:51 PM
Subject: RE: Video: Spin for July 17, 2009: News, Truth and Walker Cronkite

Wow.  You are probably the most technologically advance employee in all of the Salvation Army.


Barbara Field


Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:07 AM
To: Net-Aztlan-News Group; H-R-A Group; Activist-List Yahoo-Group
Cc: INFO-Huffinton-Post ORG
Subject: Video: Spin for July 17, 2009: News, Truth and Walker Cronkite



Spin for July 17, 2009: News, Truth and Walker Cronkite

Click for YouTube Video Below:

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka:
Sacramento, California,Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

Join the Alliance for a New Humanity!



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