Thursday, July 9, 2009

About A True Friend ~ from a True Friend in the works...

Good morning and grace to all of you... Yeah, sometimes we nave to
break out of the roles and stereotypes that other people have of
us, it creates a kind of fresnness and versatility that helps us expand
our awareness of ourselves and others.

Over the years I have learned that a true friend can last a lifetime, all
my past intimate lovers have come and gone. I suppose the ideal is that
we find that one special lover who becomes our best friend and trusted
confidant. Connected realities have a way of not usually matching our
grandiose ideals.. I plow forward, plan my day and strive to stay in a
conscious communion with the Creator as I raise my evolving cosmic
consciousness of the vast unvierse and my own inner soul.

I prefer the term Creator as I know that God is a masculine connotation
and the Creator is not a set sexual gender. We still live in a masculine-
male dominated society cleavaged by distinct economic classes, though
the great divide between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' widens on a
constant basis as it evolves exponentially, the whole situation mutliplying
upon itself.

The present great depression of 2009 continues to cause a lot of stress and
distress to billions around the globe. As a rule, all social pheonomena has
positive and negatives aspects, though sometimes we need to escape out
of simplistic polarity analysis.

For some of us we think about what the hell is really important for us in our
lifetime. Who are our friends and who are our enemies? What is a true friend?
Sometimes even our best friends can turn out to be fickle and in some instances
become our mortal enemies.

It reminds of John LeCarre's Smiley's People ~ I think that was the book ~
when the main character says something like: "I don't worry about my
enemies because I know who they are and they have made themselves
known to me... but my friends, my trusted friends who know so much about.
me... sometimes they terrify me!"

I know at times I have not been the best of friends, I have been involved
in a multitude of other specific tasks. trying to help others, guide someone
home, get a hungry soul fed and sometimes just shutting up and listening.
I am trying to be my own best friend by taking care of my health!

Even with those I consider friends who are in my immediate vicintiy are
sometimes shined ont and neglected by me. I may not call, write or visit
when I can because it seems that there are always other priorities and
sometimes simple distractions from my own personal priorities.

Time is actually what we make time for nor what we have beyond the gift

It has been said that a friend in need is a friend indeed! Sometimes we may
take a friend for granted, knowing they will be there and hoping that they
are a friend enough to understand. So I am trying to say I AM SORRY if I have
failed to be the kind of friend you deserve and need, especially when you went
through times of grief and sorrow.

I bought another copy of ON DEATH AND DYING by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross the
other day at the nearby SPCA Thrift Store.... I keep giving them away...

From an Interview with Dr. Kubler-Ross ~ LINK:

"... It only depends how you have lived. If you have lived fully, then you have
no regrets,
because you have done the best you can do. If you made lots of goofs
-- much better
to have made lots of goofs than not to have lived at all. The saddest
people I see die are people who had parents who said "Oh, I would be so proud if
I can say 'my son
the doctor.'" They think they can buy love by doing what mom
tells them to do and
what dad tells them to do. They never listen to their own dreams.
And they look back
and say, "I made a good living but I never lived." That, to me,
is the saddest way to live..."

I am still alive, aware and learning... despite all my goof-offs!
Education for Liberation! Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email:
Cc: A few of my favorite females in the whole world,
including my Big Sis!

From: Kristen W <> To: Peter Lopez <> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 11:05:37 PM Subject: RE: A True Friend
Just thought I would throw in a little twist on my own. Made you think!

Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 22:09:12 -0700

Subject: Re: A True Friend

Are we getting a littl feisty there?!?

I got this from my older Sister Linda while back... it has been around.

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

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