Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday Night: June 25, 2009 ~ from Peta-de-Aztlan

Hola Cat ~ though I like the royal sound and spelling of Catherine ~
Just a few lines before I sleep for the night.. another day at the refugee
camp...  I amazes me how much I learn about human nature on a daily basis. I am getting an education no formal college degree would give me.

How often people create their own disasters, pain-bodies and seem to be gluttons for self-punishment...

I guess I will close up shop and go hug my pillows... sweet dreams...

P.S. My cheap Vextra phone is dysfunctional.. it seems to work when it wants to work.. strange.. I cannot call out...then sometimes electrical devices play little games on me... plus sometimes time gets tricky. I was going to call you. I can call nationwide for free as part of my Comcast package.

I believe there is so much here than meets the eye in my little sanctuary.... There was no one living here before in this space they built this whole apartment building... I will send pixs...

Come Together and Create!


Sacramento, California, Aztlan

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