Thursday, June 11, 2009

David S> Resoonse: On Chicano Identity from Peta-de-Aztlan


Venceremos Companero David ~

Are we still debating what the hell to call ourselves? Let each
decide for him or her own self in good conscience and evolve
beyond ethnic labels in unity with all peoples yearning to breathe
free and in the bold collective quest for spiritual liberation.

I am first and foremost a humane being. I was raised with a
self-identity of being a Mexican, both my parents always referred
to themselves as Mexicans. Later I learned that I was of Spanish
stock on my Mom's side and Chiricahua -Apache and Sonoran Yaqui
from my Padre's bloodline. In essence I am indigenous to Aztlan!

Then the late 60's happened, for a short while I considered myself a
Mexican-American, was a member of the MAYA student group in high
school, then the Chicano Movement came into being. I helped with
the Grape Boycott and was in the Brown Berets for a few years, though
I also related to the Black Berets from San Jose. Later I helped build up
MECHA at Sac State then I got married and settled down for a few years.
Now it seems lifetimes ago and life goes on within us and without us.

I see the validity of identifying with the term Latinos because we do
not want to alienate others who claim to be Latinos the same way
that we alienated a lot of Mexicanos during the early Chicano days.

However, I find the term Hispanics a total government label in terms
of its usage and origin.

So I relate to them all though in different ways I most closely identify
with the Lost Tribe of Chicanos. We should see Chicanos as a generational
social phenomena, not a separate ethic group. How many of our lost barrio
youth relate to the term 'Chicano'?

The main actual race of people upon planet Earth is and always has been
the human race of two-legged homosapiens of possibly extraterrestrial origin.

I believe that more and more of us all over the globe are becoming more
and more humane beings in terms of having care, concern and compassion
for all living beings, regardless of one's subjective self-identity in terms of
any illusionary concept of race, nationality, ethnic group or tribe.

The right to label ourselves is a key part of being liberated. We must come
to the realization that we are all one on the quantum level and should strive
to be one on the cosmic level. There is a devil in divisions that splinter us and
separate us from each other. We are hungry and the first impulse is to eat.

When the shit hits the fan I just want to have the comrade next to me able
to shoot straight with a cold dead-eye on the target.

Sometimes in order to move forward we need to let go of the past.
All we really have to work on and to work with is here now. The past
is gone forever and the future never really arrives here now.

Seize the Time! Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:13:53 AM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] Fwd: On Chicano Identity

The erasing of Chicano identity continues as schools and institutions
continue to appease the system to hide a huge political force and
population. For example, at ELA College, they now call Chicano Studies:
Chicano Latino Studies eventhou, 90% of Raza in the U.S. is of
Chicano-Mexican decent. The Chicano is the core base of the Mexican
American population which consist of over 27 million. Latino does not
connect with Mexican and Azteca origins. For example, The Southwest and
Mexico is local history. "We were not brought here". Before the Indians
of the Southwest were American Indians, they were Mexican Indians
because this was once Mexico, and before that, they were natives of the
same and similar culture. For example, the native indians in Los Angeles
spoke Nahuatl which is the same language of the Aztecas. The Aztecas
were Mechicas or Mechicanos. The problem is that middle class education
continues to erase the theoretical history and framework which made
Chicano Studies. David Sanchez, Doctor of Philosophy

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