Saturday, May 30, 2009

Response: The pitfalls of nationalism - love music hate racism + Where do I belong - Adonde pertenezco

5-30-2009 Gracias Viola for sending this... flashback for me. I love Fanon and when
Huey P. Newton read The Wretched of the Earth he and Bobby Seale launched
the Black Panther Party afterwards in October of 1966.

I am a viejo of fifty-seven years who has become seasoned with the passage of
times and traumas. I remember when we were young Chicano wolves ready to pounce
and devour on anything that moved in a sudden threatening manner....

Chicano nationalism became fanatical and limped down to nostalgia. Its cultural nationalist ideology was not enough and we alienated many  Mexicanos, including mis padres. Many got lost along the way and failed to advance into a comprehension of revolutionary democratic socialism with a global overview. Now we are in the New Millenium!

I am NOT a veterano because the People's War rages on and we have a whole set
of ideas and ideals that cannot be expounded with ideology alone. Action makes
the vanguard. It gets deep and has a lodes of precious touchstones.

Nowadays and on dark night I essentially consider myself a warrior on a path with heart
who travels on spiritual pathways of profound meaning and sublime simplicity at the same time. You belong on the path with heart.

"This question is one that only a very old man asks. Does this path have a heart? All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. They are paths going through the bush, or into the bush. In my own life I could say I have traversed long long paths, but I am not anywhere. Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.


      Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him..."


I wish Raza would check out the Network Aztlan matrix and join up we can share in
a more collective way ~ without all the Email addresses.

Click HERE>   



Venceremos Unidos!
Come Together and Create!
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

From: Viola Wilkins <>
To: Aztatl Garza <>
Cc: Teresa Marquez <>; Tupac Enrique <>; adrian barboa <>; Virginia Hampton <>;; "" <>; Food Not Bombs <>; Greg Wobbly <>; " IWW Editor" <>; Mike Trinity House Butler <>; ourania tserotas <>; Albuquerque IWW email list <>; StopTheWarMachine <>; JM Aranda <>; Patrisia Col.DeLasAmer. Gonzales <>; Cassandra Reid <>; Tony Herrera <>; Irene San Diego Zap email Castruita <>; GinaWOWconf. DiazUNM <>; Enrique Cardiel <>; renee wolters <>; Edna Casman <>; Lisa Burns <>; Maria Cecilia Gallegos <>; Todd Mireles <>; Joy Soler <>; Rachelle ElCentro <>; MEChA Unm <>; Ruth Millan <>; Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan <>;; Hershel Weiss <>; "" <>; PatriciaSan Jose Juarez <>; Mazatzin AZTEKAYOLOKALLI <>; KarenDowntownLib. K. Schmiege <>; Bianca Encinias <>; Jane Yee <>; Bob Anderson <>; Larry Kronen Lawyer <>; Maurus Chino <>; Elena Herrada <>; Jeanne <>; IWW-Blog Hana <>; John Ross <>; ADAN BACA <>; Mary(Poet) Oishi <>; Julie England <>; Alb Peace & Justice <>; "Vanessa Maracaibo, Venz Di Domenico" <>; FRANK SIFUENTES <>;; Allen Cooper <>; Margot AlbertaCanada VanSluytman <>;; Santiago ObispoVenezuela <>
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 3:29:43 PM
Subject: Re: The pitfalls of nationalism - love music hate racism + Where do I belong - Adonde pertenezco

Adonde Pertenezco/Where Do I Belong ? by Joe Jencks

Where do I belong Adonde pertenezco
Where do I come from De donde vengo
Where will I go from here Para donde iré de aquí de aquí
I don't have anywhere to stay No tengo donde quedarme

Going from town to town Yendo de pueblo a pueblo
To look for a better life Para buscar una vida mejor vida mejor
We are looking for communities Buscando comunidades With better opportunities Con mejores oportunidades
But who have we left behind A quienes hemos dejado atrás dejado atrás

Personnel: Joe Jencks, vocals, guitar; Jim Robeson, Charlie Pilzer, sound. Joe Jencks is a member of AFM Local 1000.

Love Music Hate Racism - short film for Euro elections

On 31/05/2009, at 5:29 AM, Aztatl Garza wrote:

> The National Question Part 13
> The Pitfalls of National Consciousness
> History teaches us clearly that the battle against colonialism does not run straight away along the lines of nationalism. For a very long time the native devotes his energies to ending certain definite abuses: forced labor, corporal punishment, inequality of salaries, limitation of political rights, etc. This fight for democracy against the oppression of mankind will slowly leave the confusion of neo-liberal universalism to emerge, sometimes laboriously, as a claim to nationhood. It so happens that the unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them & the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps.

> National consciousness, instead of being the all embracing crystallization of the innermost hopes of the whole of the people, instead of being the immediate & most obvious result of the mobilization of the people, will be in any case only an empty shell, a crude & fragile travesty of what it might have been. The faults that we find in it are quite sufficient explanation of the facility with which, when dealing with young & independent nations, the nation is passed over for the race, & the tribe is preferred to the state. These are the cracks in the edifice which show the process of retrogression, that is harmful & prejudicial to national effort & national unity. We shall see that such retrogade steps with all the weaknesses & serious dangers that they entail are the historical result of the incapacity of the middle class to rationalize popular action, that is to say their incapacity to see into the reasons for that action.

> This traditional weakness, which is almost congenital to national consciouness of underdeveloped countries, is not solely the result of the mutilization of the colonized people by the colonial regime. It is also the result of the intellectual laziness of the national middle class, of its spiritual penury, & of the profoundly cosmopolitan mold that its mind is set in.

> The national middle class which takes power at the end of the colonial regime is an underdeveloped middle class. It has practically no economic power, & in any case it is in no way commensurate with the bougeoisie of the mother country which it hopes to replace. In its narcissism, the national middle class is easily convinced that it can advantageously replace the middle class of the mother country. But that same independence which literally drives it into a corner will give rise within its ranks to catastrophic  reactions, & will oblige it to send out frenzied appeals for help to the former mother country.The university & merchant classes which make up the most enlightened section of the new state are in fact charecterized by the smallness of their number & thier being concentrated in the capital, & the type of activities in which they are engaged: business, agriculture, & the liberal professions. Neither finaciers nor industrial magnates are to be found within this national middle class . The national bourgeosie of underdeveloped countries is not engaged in production, nor in invention, nor building, nor labor; it is completely canalized into activities of the intermediary type. Its innermost vocation seems to be to keep in the running  & to be part of the racket. The psychology of the national bourgeoisie is that of the businessman, not that of a captain of industry; & it is only too true that the greed of the settlers & the system of embargoes set up by colonialism have hardly left them any other choice.
> from The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon.
> compiled by Aztatl, Albuquerque I.W.W.

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