Saturday, April 18, 2009

Communique from Peta: Sabado en la Noche ~

Hola Companero Nativo ~ Iron sharpens iron. We do what we can from our own existential now.

I often need to pray and meditate more... I am either counseling people, posting new articles or putting out fires at the shelter. I learn so much at work about human nature in the often inhumane times... I need to diversify my social self more and am considering running for City Councilman.

A video of Brother Rico ~

Homeless Are Not Monsters

Just speak of the truth about what you know and utter no false lie. Even if your truth is only your lone solitary candle in the midst of darkness it must be shared and revealed.

God sees all lights, however dim and distant.

I see a global form of democratic socialism as the only rational alternative to global corporate capitalism but I may not see such a state in my lifetime... though life is often full of major changes in these times.

I am glad Obama and Companero Hugo met and shook hands. They must of felt the greatness of each other and saw that they could be allies. President Obama is quite a remarkable man in remarkable times. I generally was in support of him from way back.

Si Se Puede Con Obama: From Peta-de-Aztlan ~ from Feb, 2008


Education for Liberation!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

From: Nativo Lopez <>

To: Peter S. Lopez <>

Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:40:04 PM

Subject: RE: Sabado Morning Peta> Re: POOR JAVIER AND THE UNITY HE SOUGHT?!?!

Re: Thurs Night from Peta> Re: POOR JAVIER AND THE UNITY HE SOUGHT?!?!
Well, he made a innocent mistake. I don't know this fellow, although he has every right to make his criticisms - in reference to M. Barela. I don't want to get in between anyone on this, but I respect everyone's right (without intimidation) to express their views. Thanks for the response. I wish I was in the position to help you on the homeless situation there in Sacramento. In my opinion this is a crime, a social crime, which will only lead to more crime. I believe that this is just the bad beginning of worst things to come in relation to the growing homelessness of people across class lines. Keep up the good work. Together we will eventually find a solution.
Nativo V. Lopez
National Director
Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana
611 W. Civic Center Drive, Suite 402
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 541-0250
Fax: (714) 541-2460
Nativo V. Lopez
National President
Mexican American Political Association (MAPA)
310 N. Soto Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 269-1575
(323) 260-8015

From: Peter S. Lopez []

Sent: Sat 4/18/2009 5:32 AM

To: Nativo Lopez

Subject: Re: Sabado Morning Peta> Re: POOR JAVIER AND THE UNITY HE SOUGHT?!?!

Hermano. ~ I don't know myself, that was Guillermo. I guess because we look up to you as one of our leaders and want to keep you in the information loop.


Education for Liberation!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

From: Nativo Lopez <>

To: Bejarano <>; Mariano Barela <>

Cc: 01 <>; Peter S. Lopez <>

Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:32:40 PM

Subject: RE: Thurs Night from Peta> Re: POOR JAVIER AND THE UNITY HE SOUGHT?!?!

Again, I don't understand how I got involved in this. I am not a monitor of the Network? What's up with you guys. Do you know something that I don't? Please let me in on the gag.
Nativo V. Lopez
National Director
Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana
611 W. Civic Center Drive, Suite 402
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 541-0250
Fax: (714) 541-2460
Nativo V. Lopez
National President
Mexican American Political Association (MAPA)
310 N. Soto Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 269-1575
(323) 260-8015

From: Bejarano []

Sent: Fri 4/17/2009 8:07 PM

To: Mariano Barela

Cc: 01; Nativo Lopez; Peter S. Lopez

Subject: Re: Thurs Night from Peta> Re: POOR JAVIER AND THE UNITY HE SOUGHT?!?!

Mariano, please read my reply under yours >.

--- On Thu, 4/16/09, Mariano Barela <> wrote:

> From: Mariano Barela <>

> Peter and Mr. Bejarano:


> I appreciate your response. I thought that I had

> subscribed, but I guess I was wrong. I followed your

> instructions and did so. I have to beg to differ with

> the comment that you "do not allow personal attacks,

> whatsoever." I have observed this to not always

> be the case, particularly when it comes to Mr. Javier

> Rodriguez. You have repeated permitted him to strike

> out at many other individuals - many times. I hope

> this does not reflect some sort of bias.


> In any case, my article is well thought out, and

> polemical. I use facts, sacasm, metaphor, comparison,

> contrast, analysis, some history, and pokes fun. There

> is no doubt that the article is directed at and focuses on

> the personality who has repeatedly assumed to himself the

> credit for the repeated mega-marches of Los Angeles (and

> alienated everyone else who played a large, medium, or small

> role at different junctures of the movement). He has

> run out everyone else by his repeated attacks, orally

> violent, and even threatening violence through family

> members. Anyone who denies this lives with blinders or

> is in denial.


> The only thing that I ask of you two (who have bigger

> fish to fry, as if the rest of us don't) is to allow the

> truth to be posted and let the chips fall where they

> may. What is the worst that can happen? A debate

> could ensue. How awful!


> MB



Let see what happens....I pray.

Javier had been approved several years ago in sending mail to the group without being monitored, because after a member sends his/her 2 to 4 posts they become a member in good standing (status), (Monitor(s) and myself try our best in looking out for the bad shit that often comes our way : bigoted and mail unwanted kinds of shit)... A good standing member is unrestrictive in sharing information, events and commentaries. etc. "they are free to post without monitoring" Therefore, only recently, I recall, I have read one questable message by Javier Rodriquez directly at his opposition of which yourself took action to reply personally to me -- asking to post to NAC that brought to mind a red flag. Now is why we are writing and learning as you've said, "let the chips fall where they may"...begging pardon, if I say "If you don't have something good to say don't say it.

Hopefully your trusted monitor's will need to be more watchful and wise "Javier's and Unity He Sought", and the reason for the "debate" to all.

The M25 or of any others forces are many chip may rise and fall we speak of men's opportunism and political motivated in faults. We should be more aware, brave and the mastery of all of many different circumstances of man to be us more careful in applying any rules for an organizations, social or organizational ethics. collaboration and coalitions and of being accused of that and that.

Frankly, I think Javier is really bothered because he and others were first instruments in M25, May Day and from the Ontario to Pomona Immigration "march in unity" frame work. Later in LA we put forth a majority vote (8) "Yes" to have the M25 march and a minority voted "No" (7) what took off became the great LA marches. LA church, political and social fractured into two peoples' fronts. That happened!! Now, this coming May Day, 2009 is one big march from Broadway to City Hall. And, it's all together, somewhat in unity...

...We all can march "arm to arm" with smoking mirrors.



cc: Monitor News Peta de Sacra, Nativo Lopez

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