Saturday, March 28, 2009

To: Sister Cindy from Peta... at home in Sacramento!

Excerpts from Letter to Sister Cindy ~

Sabbath @8:52 PM ~ Hola Sister Cindy ~

I called you earlier and left a Message. OK.... I get the picture clearer. Sometimes Emails do not really convey well what we really want to say anyways. Are you a waistress now? I imagine that can be an uncomfortable job at times though I am sure it has its own rewards.

I thought you worked full-time for SN&R.

I imagine you got an interesting perspective on him as a man and a Mayor. Lust in and of itself is not a moral crime automatically worthy of punishment, though it can be a serious character defect if unconscious and unchecked. Sometimes lust is just natural.

Kevin could of piggy-backed off the Obama for President momentum. I did not dig the rumors about him and indiscretion with a youngster. Was she not bought off?

Related LInk:

Actually I voted for Heather Fargo for Mayor. I was sure she was going to win, told her so at her old Campaign Office by Safeway before the Election, though her health is not good.

I might run for Council Man in this District 1 to offer some competition for Council Ray Tretheway because this area is sorely neglected and too big an area for only one Council Seat anyways.

Last year I was a greeter with a lady when we had the opening for Globe Mills and we were showing off the place to media and officials. Mayor Kevin came flashing his smile around but we never met one on one. He does seem like a shyster, but I have no vendetta against him. I do I have a commitment to the truth and will trail it like a bloodhound wherever it may lead.

I myself am a recovering dope fiend, drunk and tramp who still works what I term a progressive recovery program that requires me to be Honest, Open and Willing to change, to grow, to learn and to expand my spiritual consciousness. I continue to strive to raise my humane consciousness on an on-going basis.

Being an advocate for humane rights is my calling and that naturally includes advocating for homeless refugees!

I live on what I call the penthouse on the Fifth Floow at the Globe Mills Senior Housing Project by the corner of 12th and C Streets. Here is a Link to pictures on Globe Mills:

Right now I am 'in the process' of writing a book to be entitled Progressive Recovery Today!

A lot of it is addressed and written for and to homeless recovering addicts I write articles and post them for now:.

In relation to Sac News & Review my original intention was to write a good trilogy on the homeless in Sacramento so I Emailed Melinda. I have wanted to do so for a long time, way before this recent hoopla which I suppose will die out after a while back to business as usual. The homeless are among the hardest people to organize and unite on a common agenda.


P.S. Forgive my verbosity. As a residue of my dope fiend past I sometimes have a tendency to be OCD about some things with a tad of ADHD. I am not sure which came first in terms of the chicken or the egg in this context. I suspect I had 'issues' before I became a dope fiend. I am glad that I was only strung out on 'meth' for a year or so, though I was strung hard out in Del Paso Heights. Now I have over ten years off 'meth' and almost five years off alcohol, though 'meth' was what brought me to the ditch!

My sobriety date is June 24, 2004, so I might get drunk to celebrate this June!

Hey.... I am in recovery with PAWS!

Education for Liberation! Join Up!

Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

CASA: 916/346-4483


Peter S. Lopez wrote:

> 3-27-2009 @10:01 PM Hola Sister Cindy ~ That is an interesting spin. I cannot speak for others, many are quite capable of speaking their own minds. Strange as it seems many of the homeless refugees have keen intelligence, esp. if you catch them really sober. Most of them are not interested in city power politics and many have their own shady ways! Maybe you have another agenda than I do and could have your own shady angle. My main social agenda is a humane rights agenda!

People will sometimes say what they think certain media figures what them to say, esp. if there is a few bucks involved. Sometimes the truth is hard to ascertain. I have a small digital camera picture camera and can do short videos. Maybe I will do something when I can get around to it. Time and circumstances.

In general, people became excited about the Oprah story, the global-national-regional coverage. I myself hope some tangible good will come out it all, though I am rather doubtful. I admit to being a bit jaded and somewhat callous after all I have witnessed these last ten years or so. I have been in what I term 'the shelter matrix' for over ten years and have seen a lot of comings and goings, yet the homeless plague continues. It is a real reflection of the larger social matrix.

You will not come to our General Assembly because you are 'busy'. We have the main gathering of homeless once a week on Saturday morning. I call it the ER for the homeless! 1200 North B Street ~ by Loaves and Fishes! The Governator and Mayor Kevin took the time to go out to Tent City and that meant a lot to people.

Somebody at Tent City asked Arnold for twenty bucks and he gave him twenty bucks. You see, despite any political moves and motives, they made the time to go to Tent City! Time is what we make, not what we have. Come let me see your style!

I heard President Obama saw the Oprah show that started this last spur of events. Who knows where this on-goiing global-local issue will be at a month from now. Most likely it will still be the same ol' shit, the same hand-to-mouth existence, the to-and-fro of being a homeless refugee in Amerika! If I was going to interview anyone I would interview Sister Libby Fernandez.

Here are a couple of my Key Links:

Education for Liberation! Join Up!

Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta



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