Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life is tough for You and Me (Part 2) - 艰苦的生活 (jiān kǔ de shēnɡ huó)

Many people whom I knew and closed to are leaving this world one by one.

Some spent the last remaining days in the hospital and usually in the intensive care ward. Although we may have the best medical cares available, when it is time to leave, we WILL HAVE TO LEAVE.

Some left suddenly. A heart attack on bed or in the bathroom is enough to end our life.

No matter in what manner we take leave permanently from this earth, there is something in common. Each one of us has a HISTORY. The histories may have similar contents.

We all need to work (maybe slog and slog) from
young until old. Very often have to overcome obstacles, problems and difficulties. We experience stresses, worries and fatigues. There are also many moments of happiness and sadness. Undoubtedly many fond memories will remain and treasure by the surviving family members. Life is therefore like a journey which we are going through. Some following sayings may be appropriate to describe this journey to the "Nai He" bridge where the final custom is located.

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从 日 出 到 月 落
- From sunrise till dawn

Cόng rì chū dào yuè luò

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从 年 轻 到 年 老 - From young till old
Cόng nián qīng dào nián lăo

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长 年 累 月 苦 工 - Hardship all the year round
Cháng nián lèi yuè kŭ gōng

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天 天 蕉 急 万 分 - Everyday very worried
Tiān tiān jiāo jī wàn fēn

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又 常 当 众 责 骂 - Constantly get scolded in front of everybody
Yòu cháng dāng chòng zé mà

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羞 得 无 地 自 容 - So ashamed but nowhere to hide
Xiū dé wú dì zì róng

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惭 愧 低 下 了 头 - Ashamed until cannot lift up the head
Cán kūi dī xià le tóu

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到 后 随 风 摆 动 - Finally moved around by the wind
Dào hòu suí fēng bǎi dòng

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无 足 轻 重 离 去 - Nobody noticed that you are gone
Wú zú qīng zhòng lί qù

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流 传 辛 酸 故 事 - Passing down a sad story
Liú chuán xīn suān qù shì

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跟 地 和 睦 共 处 - Rest in peace
Gén dì hé mù gong chǔ

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忘 了 一 干 二 净 - And completely forgotten
Wàng le yì gān èr jìng

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还 能 从 建 江 湖 ? - Still able to recover?
Hái néng cóng jiàn jiāng hú ?

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还 想 东 山 在 起 ? - Still thinking of staging a comeback?
Hái xiǎng dōng shān zài qǐ ?

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Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008


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